Chapter 367: The Overlord of Trade Negotiations and Intelligence Gathering

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The meeting was being held in the great room with a floor to ceiling glass wall overlooking the Sea of Envy.

The former heiress now boss of the Butchers Angel's gemstone traders was glaring across the lavish table at a smugly grinning Mariya who refused to sit anywhere that wasn't on her boyfriends lap.

Farouk smirked over his girlfriends possessiveness over him. The couple sat to the left side of Imaad who's sitting at the head of the table opposite from the former heiress with Tsurumi seated to his right.

Refreshments were given and only after they were examined by Tsurumi's critical eye and strong sense of smell did they dare to drink from the wine glasses.

Tsurumi, however, requested for a Oolong tea to be served to her instead of wine.

She drank her Oolong tea with a smug little grin aimed at the heiress for the extra effort that request made for being a good hostess.

The heiress's eye twitched over Tsurumi's smug little grin.

"What is the meaning of this Lady Fenghuang? Surely you don't need the assistance of..." she turned to grimace at Imaad. "...Al help you see that my gemstones are of the highest quality."

Farouk scoffed. "You honestly had to ask her such a question? I liked your dad better, at least he had sense to not ask stupid questions."

Imaad chastised Farouk. "Farouk, remember yourself. She is our hostess, respect must be given."

Farouk rolled his eyes and continued. "To answer your question, it's because Imaad Al Saleh is the 🤬 Overlord of Trade Negotiations and Intelligence Gathering within Envy."


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"To question his presence is to insult his status, which might I remind you is above your own. You're merely an entitled heiress to a business, nothing more nothing less. As hostess you should be aware of his status. He has every right to be here."

The heiress turned to Farouk and smiled as she batted her eyes in an attempt to play up the innocent act.

"Oh no, you misunderstand. I'm merely questioning why he took the effort to join us at all? This should just be a simple business meeting. No reason for him to be present for such trivial matters when we already have Lady Fenghuang here. She's clearly capable of doing your bosses job for him, why bother dragging Al Saleh into the mix."

Farouk seethed in anger over the slander aimed towards Vincenzo, but Mariya gently touched his arm while sipping her wine. Farouk sighed and calmed down over her gentle touch. The action didn't go unnoticed by the heiress who scowls at Mariya.

Mariya scoffed and rolled her eyes before taking another long sip of her wine. She'll need it to keep herself from punching that bitch in her gaudy makeup covered face.

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