Chapter 352: Azrael's day to finally cut-loose in Hell

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Azrael woke up the next morning, after gallivanting around Envy with his family, not to the Hellish sun in his eyes, but to his mischievous little brother holding a one eyed cat over his face.

Azrael's eyes narrowed dangerously as he snarled. "Don't even think about it unless you wanna be hanging upside down off the Clocktower by your pinkie toes."

A sigh was heard as an exasperated looking Charlie is leaning against the open door in her new hotel uniform.

Michael snickers as he holds the meowing kitten against his chest.

"Well someone's extra crabby today."

Azrael sat up and immediately perched on the bed like a crow to rummage through the travel bag for his coffee mug. "Shut it." He grumbled irritably as he proceeds to make himself a cup of instant coffee with the spoon stirring by itself as he yawns.

"Aci woke up briefly late yesterday evening...and I'm still panicking about that meeting in two weeks. Even with Farouk saying he's going to get Imaad involved with convincing Tsurumi into letting Lilith go in her place...The stress of how...Jayr...will act around Mariya and Farouk when Jinlong's around has me on edge."

Charlie nodded as she entered the room and took her kitten from her mischievous Uncle Michael.

"They're both aware of how close Aciano and Jinlong are. But, does Jayr know about it?"

Azrael grimaces. "Yeah...he does. The only good thing about it is that the Freddy Kruger wannabe is staying silent out of fear an angry Draegan and ultimately facing a livid Lao Kalfu. Jayr's the type of demon that enjoys the suspense of waiting things out. He's essentially "Playing the long game". He also gets a sick thrill in playing mind games with's beyond nerve wracking for me."

Michael spoke "Well stop your worrying Zaz cuz you better be giving your A-game today."


Micah spoke. "You wanted a fight didn't you?" Azrael blinks and looks up at his brother as Michael smirked. "Well today's the day for it. Anything you wanna do just name it...and we'll do it Azrael."

"Thanks. Also...I might just rope the Williams family into my plans for today. Cuz, I have a feeling I'm not the only one who's itching for a brawl with me. I need a good fight to get my pent up energy out. Then I need to give a good performance at the Music Studio to get my emotional stress relief in order to endure the next two weeks of Gabriel stressing himself out about Jinlong alongside me."

Charlie blinks. "Oh, that's right. Jinlong's one of Uncle Gabriel's favorite souls..."

Michael nodded."

"How does he pick?"

Azrael smiled. "His favorite souls are those who are strongly Family Oriented. What Amos, Leonidas, and Jinlong all have in common is that they will all fight tooth and nail to protect their family and those few people who are precious to them."

Charlie smiled warmly at that.

Azrael smiles then slowly frowns as he lowers his eyes to stare at his hands. "I'm sorry you gotta hide this from 'them' kiddo."

Charlie's smile fades into an understanding look of concern.

"Uncle Azrael, I-I understand why we have to hide this from them but...let's please not wait too long without telling them something. Cuz it's clearly effecting you mentally Uncle and they can tell."

Micah nodded. "And knowing that she and Rasim have seen what you get like when you bottle up your emotions like a corked champagne bottle, they're not going to let anything fester for to long Azrael."

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now