Chapter 260: "The Lily of The Valley..."

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(The song video in this chapter it called: Light of Grace by Felicia Farerre)

This is a look into the dreams of a certain Demonic/Angelic family within in Hell.

Part 2: (...Lucifer & Charlie's similar dream...)

Lucifer's dream was a pleasant memory.

Many many centuries ago...

"Daddy can you tell me a story?"

"Daddy can you tell me a story?"

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"That depends...What do you have in mind for the stories fantastical plotline my sweet little Candy Apple?"

"Hmmmmmm? How aboutttttt..." Charlie looked around the room and settled on a painting of her mommy and smiled. "I know!"

Lucifer smirked and opened his eyes as Charlie grinned.

"How'd you know that you loved Mommy? Anddddd how'd you get down here while Grandpa God, and all my Uncle's and Auntie's are all up in the sky?"

"Heh...figured that's what you'd go for...and it's Heaven sweetheart. Although I will admit they do tend to have their heads stuck up in the clouds half of the time."

"Dadddddyyyyyyy, stop teasing them, that's rude! They're family!" Charlie pouted at him and crossed her arms over her chest.

Lucifer blinked. *Andddddd she's just endeared herself onto everyone in Heaven!*

He smiled and chuckled as he thought of Azrael and Gabriel with a wistful sigh as he closed his eyes over that phantom pain softly acting up again.

"You already heard this story..."

"But Razzle and Dazzle haven't!"

"Baaaaaaaa!!!" 🥺🥺

Lucifer opened his eyes and looked down to see two pairs of goat eyes staring up at him and then the overly big eyes of his little girl. The whimpering and trembling lower lip from Charlie and cute baaing of the boys were the final nail in the metaphorical crucifix that constitutes as his parental self control.

"Fine. But it's still the child friendly version! You're not old enough for the full version yet!"


"Charlotte..." He gave his little girl his best imitation of Raguel and Azrael's stern glaring face. He has their glaring faces engraved into his eyeballs with how many times he's seen it whenever he was caught trying to be a mischievous little youngling and get out of nap-time to prank Michael. "Do you want to hear this story or not?"

Charlie grinned as she sat in between Razzle and Dazzle. Their little eyes blinked twice at him as they waited for him to tell his fantastical love story.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now