Chapter 309: The Eel Twins Halloween of vengeance and emotional anguish

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Talib and Tariq enjoy Halloween as much as any child within Hell. As much as any prankster (Aka. Fink) does in the thralls of such delicious mischief and laughter.

It's why they chose to take up the role of trick or treat chaperones...and help Crymini with "pranking" those few pedophile perverts that like to slink around at night and lure kids away with hoards of candy.

If having two prank happy "electric eel" twins wearing fancy fedoras while walking in step with a hoard of children isn't enough to keep anyone at bay. Then Crymini's two Hyena companions were.

Crymini's dressed like the badass version of Harley Quinn and Xander's heart does a not so funny thing inside of his black hole of a chest when he sees Jekyll and Hyde immediately turn into playful puppy's as she walks them on leashes like that Clown jester lady from those comics.

He's already having his fun pranking Dread Keep from halfway across Hell (curtsey of Kalfu) and is currently waiting outside the spray paint shop for his little protege Dennis the Menace. He's half tempted to bang on the door and demand for the little brat to come out already.

Jekyll and Hyde however chuckle at him in a way he knows is reprimanding.

He shoots them an incredulous look as Crymini grins at him and he bristles in indignation over his own pets.

The door opens and the twins immediately comment.

"Aw look Tariq it's a Mini Xander!"

"Aw Talib that's adorable!"

Xander turned towards them and spouted. "Excuse me what?"

His eye widened when he sees little Dennis—dressed up like him. His little horns are covered in fake wolf ears. He's wearing a Trenchcoat tailored for a child and has his face painted to look like a hyenas. He even has the grin to pull it off.

Xander stumbled back with a hand over his heart and stuttered. "Wha—what the 🤬 kiddo? You trying to turn this cold demon soft? You've got Kalfu to go 🤬 mute and he's never silent!"

"Do you...not like it?"

"The 🤬 kid? Course I like it! It's me! I thought you'd be something else? But this is a great chance to get you into practice as my legitimatized protege towards the rest of Imp City."

The eel twins for all their worth as pranksters grin in such a way that has Xander contemplating murder.

"Awwww Xander you have a mini-me now that's adorable!"

"I only tolerate you two because the kiddos like you and I don't particularly want to deal with a pissed off octopus with a cooking pot. And yeah I'm aware of that story. I have eyes everywhere thanks to Kalfu..."

Talib and Tariq blink at him then grin as they spoke in unison.

"Good, you're learning. If anyone try's anything tonight...we'll handle it."

"What makes you think—?"

Talib spoke.

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