Chapter 391: "Death is the Retribution. So is Mercy, but not today."

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Rivers Run Red: by Ganyos & Bolshiee

Found of ITunes and YouTube

I imagine Jophiel singing this in her mind.

...Many many centuries ago...

In the heart of the vast kingdom of China, two figures traversed the unforgiving landscapes of villages dotted around fortified military strongholds all of which are in a constant state of political and economic unrest since the civil wars between the princes for the throne and the death of General Wu Jinlong. All those who spoke out against the horrific news of the Generals death were either silenced, on the run, in hiding, or fighting back in rebellion. The ensuing bloodshed, was the doing of the former crown prince - who is legally the emperor by five years - declaring himself the hero of the war and protector of these villages.

Protector is not a word any of these villages would've used to describe his tactics of 'cleaning up' any further insurrections within his kingdom. It was complete subjugation of his people with a total disregard for the lives his loyal supporters left in ruins after bringing the fighting to their homes and fields. It's no wonder that those who survived the sieges of their villages by the kingdoms royal armies, quickly turned against them and sided in support of the rebellion.

Azrael, the Archangel of Death, strode through those battles with the animalistic gate of a hunter in his every stride, his green obsidian daggers were in his right hand. Poised like makeshift claws, and his scythe was gleaming with its raw untapped power within his right.

Jophiel, the Archangel of Beauty, moves with a delicate grace born from her deeply rooted connections with nature, her angelic bow is aglow with divine power and poised at the ready. Her footsteps were always silent, her expression void of emotion but her grip on her bow belayed her true feelings. As one who is brimming with an anger so great that it was not to be seen or heard by anyone except for those who were marked for divine retribution.

This kingdom was besought by wars and civil unrest for five years after Jinlong's death. Wars that are being fought in the name of a betrayer who is to bring down his own ruin for his sins.

...Death will come to him in time...

A thousand men have been marked by deaths cold embrace. A thousand men shall fall. Either by bow or by blade, it's all a waiting game for the angelic pair.

They have already culled 695 souls out those 1000 men since the death of Jinlong...

Though now that the fighting is reaching its peak...Azrael's been constantly fidgeting with his weapons. His golden eyes are constantly darting around with a hyper focused gaze, his body is supercharged with anticipation for a long hunt. His muscles are tensing and relaxing with the intense desire to hunt down the remaining souls who dare to fight against him, even after their lives are made due for him to collect once they succumb to death.

He gives them glimpses of death and it's their choices, morals, and value of their souls that determines a death befitting of their sin. For that is the ultimatum to all those who would rather fight and then die by the blade in battle.

Jophiel on the other hand, is a silent executioner. She is the softly spoken voice of an angel who is emotionally indifferent towards her own role, and a silent witness to her brother's antsy behavior before every battle they partake in.

She's perfectly content to wait it all out until the first death bell rings its haunting tune within their minds.

In the heat of battle, all those who see the white haired archer, will only get a glimpse of her ethereal beauty in their periphery, before a swift release of death greets them in the form of her heavenly arrows.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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