Chapter 313: The Mirrors of Illusion

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Hard-to-Breathe: by UNSECRET & Samantha Tieger

Azrael's voice spoke clearly to those in attendance despite the ambience of Miruku's rather haunting song.

"...I was good once..."

The vast assortment of mirrors showed the "Good version" of Azrael's Halloween persona was smiling over his shoulder as he teased a young man wearing an owl feathered cloak.

That someone was Michael.

~ Awww come now little brother you shouldn't start battles you know you can't win

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~ Awww come now little brother you shouldn't start battles you know you can't win. ~

Azrael smirked over Michael's scowl and commented.

~ Certainly I taught you how to properly strategize your words so you don't fall prey to your emotions as easily as an innocent five year child? ~

Michael glared and remarked.

~ You teased me first! ~

Azrael grins and wags his index finger teasingly. ~ Ah Ah Ah, that was Big Brother Privileges and you know it! ~

Michael looked like he'd snap a nasty retort but cooled his facial expression into a passive aggressive gaze. He then crossed his arms over his chest and arched a questioning eyebrow.

~ Oh? Well then, by your's only proper that if I should smile more often, then you should laugh even less! My ears can only take so much of your incessant cawing before I lose my hearing completely. ~

Azrael squawks into a scoff.

He sounds as though he's pretending to be insulted by those words, before he smirks and shoves Michael off balance while they're standing on a sturdy tree branch. This action ultimately forces Michael to hastily grab a low hanging branch by his right hand and dangle there with a ticked off expression.

Micah The Owl just hoots at them both for their childish behavior.

Michael glared up at a laughing Azrael.

~ You smug little... ~

~ Cawhahahaha! Love you too baby bird! ~

The illusions in the mirrors were all fabricated and shifted into swirling blue cyclone as Azrael's voice spoke to them over the chilling ambience of Miruku's song.

"...I'm a guide to the lost..."

Michael was speaking to Azrael, but they couldn't hear any words as Azrael had that dull—glassy eyed—look in his eyes.

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