Chapter 208: "Well...aren't you confident?"

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*Agh! Agh! Agh! Agh!—A!"

Crymini slammed her fist against the snooze button on her alarm clock and groaned.

Crymini slammed her fist against the snooze button on her alarm clock and groaned

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"Another day another of watching the kids, and another day of little to no sleep..."

She's had listened to Alastor's radio broadcast of the event last night. She had trouble sleeping afterwards over the anticipation but so far she's gotten no further Voxstagram notices for any other artists yet. She was probably a little to optimistic about having artists blowing up her phone with text messages but she's never done something like this before and she's actually a little worried about the possibility of there being a lack of artist participation.

It's not like it's a free for all graffiti event, it's a mural and has nothing to do with porn, drugs, guns, or anything she normally sees within the back alley buildings of Imp City or the rest of the Ring of Pride.

She showered, dressed, and grabbed her baseball bat before heading out for her morning jog/donut run.

Early morning was 6:00 for her not that she minds in the slightest. It also means crime is a given and the bat is a necessity.

Does she mind? No.

Is it a nuisance when some idiot demon decides to rob a young Imp teenager who's just trying to go to work, after exiting the same donut shop Crymini's trying to head to right now? Yes, yes it is.

"Give me your 🤬 money and maybe I won't blown your brains out!"

"I-I don't have much on me, I'm only a intern!"

Crymini recognized the Imp's teenagers voice. He was interning at a respectable organization not far from the donut shop.

The main goal of the Community Center is to make sure the kids that they take care of get a good job once their old enough to work.

She knew the teen couldn't have much on him, but the idiot robber didn't care and threatened to dispose of the teen, loot through his person for anything of value and likely make off with the box of donuts.

"Please Just Leave Me Alone! I'm Just A 🤬 Intern I'm Not Even Getting Paid So Go Rob Somebody Else I've Already Spent My Bosses Cash On The Donuts!"

The robber knocked the donut box to the ground. That's strike one...

"Your watch looks expensive though for just an intern..."

The robber tore the watch off the Imp teenagers wrist and when the teen made a move to grab it the boy was threatened at gun point below his chin. That's strike two...

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now