Chapter 310: "I do love the versatility of a cooking pot." Imaad

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Whispering: by Alex Clare

When the twins returned home to the Island they were barely able to speak to tell anyone they were there.

Farouk's usually able to tell whenever they're home, but he's not here.

To busy spending time with Mariya which is fine, because they didn't want him here to see this.

It took Leonidas suddenly smelling the scent of blood to have him standing up from his spot at the traditional low seated dining table.

He spun around on his heels and let out a strangled gasp of shock.

That was the sound that got Imaad to turn around and when he did he dropped his newly cleaned out cooking pot in horror over what he saw.


Talib looked up and smiled a weak smile.

"H-Hey Uncle..." he stumbled forward and it's only thanks to Leonidas that he didn't fall and drag his dissociated younger brother down with him.

Leonidas lead them to the couch, uncaring of the blood that would stain it once they sat down.

"Talib...what," He spoke, but stopped short over how unnervingly silent Tariq was as the boy was clutching onto something small and clear within his closed left hand.

It was the sweet scent that drove Leonidas  to go mute.

Leonidas immediately stared up into Imaad's eyes with a look of absolute horror on his face. That look had Imaad struggling to keep himself from shifting forms as he questioned his nephews.

"Talib...who's blood is that?"

"There's." It was Tariq who spoke with so much anger, grief, and pain in his voice that it left no room for confusion as to who's blood was currently covering them both. It was enough to make Leonidas want to vomit.

Talib spoke up after Tariq went silent. He spoke without any real emotions whatsoever. He didn't even bother loosening his grip on the hug when he pressed against his younger brother's side for comfort. "We decapitated them after they tried to take two of the Community Center kiddos..."

Tariq chuckled softly and then spoke without an ounce of humor in his normally happy go lucky voice.

"Yeah...that's only after I kinda sort of...screamed out the summarized version of our traumatizing ordeal against those bastards in the presence of the kiddos—plus Crymini and Xander."

Talib spoke. "They'll definitely need therapy now...Xander possibly included into that list...He actually looked like he was going to be sick. Kalfu included."

Tariq's vice grip on the bottle finally loosened and it rolled out of his hand onto the stone floor where it surprisingly didn't break.

Leonidas stared at the bottle as it rolled to a stop in front of Imaad's feet and then he slowly lifted his head up towards Imaad's face as the man transformed in his octopus demon side.

Imaad was panting heavily as his rage was barely hanging on by a thread over those words.

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