Chapter 355: Azrael, the Guru of Aerial Gymnastics?

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Michael no longer looked like he lost a boxing fight as he walked the halls of the Magne Palace towards the bedroom of his brother and sister-in-law. Unlike that one time Azrael was here with Gabriel, Michael actually remembers to knock.

Not like his brother was doing anything other than sleeping at the moment, but it's still common curtesy.

Lilith's voice spoke softly within the bedroom. "You can come in."

Michael entered and smiled softly over his baby brother bundled in a blanket cocoon with Lilith sitting on the edge on the bed.

"He's exhausted. Said he was grateful to Micah for holding back."

"I had to. The risks of showing off my power at it's fullest would've been to great for Lucifer to hide without assistance."

Lilith smiled teasingly. "How's it feel to officially be an Archangel?"

"...Overwhelming. In all honesty I already felt like I was one."

Michael spoke. "Yeah well you've been skirting by this for to long by being content with that Honorary Archangel moniker." Michael grumbled and crossed his arms in a pout. "You were an Archangel of Heaven long before that battle against Acheron that took your life, and it's about time you owned that title big brother. So own it."

"I'm curious as to why Micah wasn't classified as an Archangel back when you earned your title Michael. Especially considering he is a part of you and helped you..." Lilith snickers behind her hand as she continued. "...beat Azrael by exploiting his ticklish spots."

Michael smirked and chuckled in amusement. "It's simple. I was the one who was being tested not Micah. He only helped me out with that hilarious little exploit because he was getting tired of Azrael's smug attitude and sassy grin."

"It wouldn't have been fair to Michael..."

"...and nor would I have allowed it. Micah had to earn his title through combat, same as the rest of us. However, he was and still is as stubborn as an ox and refused to challenge Azrael for his rightful title as the Archangel of Reasoning..."

(Authors Note: totally made up by the way)

" Zaz took initiative. Was it underhanded by not informing anyone about it? Yes, yes it was. Was it worth it? You bet your crown it was!"

Lilith smiled brightly over Michael's enthusiasm and nodded in silent agreement.

"Well we're gonna be heading to the Music Studio..." Michael gently moved a portion of Lucifer's hair from covering his little brother's face and smiled softly when Lucifer's head instinctively moved towards his hand.

"...Hakim...Micah's an Archangel now..." Lucifer smiled in his sleep and mutters fondly. "...I'll tell him you're proud of him and Michael, don't worry..."

Michael's breath catches as he bites his lower lip with tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

He gently moves his hand downward to caresses Lucifer's right cheek marking with a featherlight touch of his index finger. He whispers softly as he lightly pecks Lucifer's temple with a kiss. "Sleep and focus on restoring your energy Short-Stack. We love you little brother."

Lilith smiled softly at the tender moment as her husband smiles in his sleep. When Michael headed towards the door he stopped and said. "We'll be back later."

Lilith nodded. "I know."

Michael headed to the main entrance only to notice the large double doors were open and the hotel crew were all just standing there on the entry stairs...staring off to the left.

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