Chapter 271: A look into Michael's memories...part 2..."Soldier keep on-"

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The years that have passed after Hakim's death always consisted of Michael being plagued by dreams of Hellfire and a wild eyed Angelic Warrior with a cross shaped whip.

The years that have passed after Hakim's death always consisted of Michael being plagued by dreams of Hellfire and a wild eyed Angelic Warrior with a cross shaped whip

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Michael always bolt upright in bed screaming a single name into the darkness of his room.


He breaks down alone in his grief with the voice of Micah being his only companion because his room is soundproof over Raziel cataloging the contents of the library in his sleep as Raguel SNORES worse than a bear!

He vomits into the clay pot beside his bed. His entire body shook as his tears fell down his face. Lucifer's been turning into a combination of Azrael and Hakim with every passing day now and it's terrifying! Not because it's annoying how close Lucifer is to Azrael, but because he doesn't want to lose his little brother like how they lost Hakim.

"He's to reckless—I don't mean to act this way around him but I just...all I see is Hakim in the way he jokes around with the others. I see him in every mannerism—especially during combat practices. I just..." He bowed his head and cries over how silent Micah was being. "Micah...I can't lose him too..." He sniffles as a sudden warmth that's similar to Azrael's cold presence fell down around him. It's as though Micah's soul is draping over him in a hug.

Micah then tries to soothe him through his gentle words.

"Michael, that's the job of a brother Michael, regardless if they're older or younger. We look out for one another and protect each other. was his choice to protect you. It wasn't without heartache for him—the fear of a painful death was ignored in that moment—he didn't hesitate. I would know, Michael because I did the same...Lucifer, he was as close to Hakim as you were. He's trying to hold onto a piece of Hakim by honoring him by being His legacy. Just as you're mine. I know you worry for him Michael, but I worry for you more."

"Micah...I appreciate your concern but I'm not going to tell them. Not now."

"...Huh, I know Michael."

Michael knew Micah was right...but, it never meant it gets any easier to cope with the feeling of survivors guilt beating him to a pulp everyday and having to pretend like he's not going to crumbling into dust with a single breath...

The memories paused...

Azrael turned his head towards Michael with a sorrowful gaze while Lucifer was staring at the light orb with wide unblinking eyes. He didn't dare blink. He had to see this. He had to see everything. To hear and feel everything so he could finally understand his brother. His thoughts were a jumbled up mess of guilt for both Michael and Micah.

*They've been suffering from so much pain and stress...I—🤬 why? Why didn't I ever ask if he was okay? Hakim's his brother too! He was his best friend. Was I really that 🤬 blind? Dammit Michael was trying so hard to appear like nothing was wrong—but I knew! I 🤬 knew he had to be tearing himself apart inside with guilt! Micah too! They were the ones who had to watch as Hakim was—GRAAAA! 🤬! 🤬! 🤬! 🤬! Dammit All To Heck!*

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