Chapter 261: I won't break, I'll remember, who I am in the face of fear

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This is a look into the dreams of a certain Demonic/Angelic family within in Hell.

Part 3: (...Michael's dream memory montage...)

Michael was always going to be a warrior.

He was blessed with the soul of Micah the Valiant as his guide in all aspects of his angelic life. As a teacher, brother, and someone who understands what it means to sacrifice your own life for a sibling and what it also feels to be suffering from the survivors guilt.

Michael's dreams in the beginning of his early twenties before the fall of his little brother Lucifer always consisted of Hellfire and a wild eyed Angelic Warrior with a cross shaped whip.

Michael's dreams in the beginning of his early twenties before the fall of his little brother Lucifer always consisted of Hellfire and a wild eyed Angelic Warrior with a cross shaped whip

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He'd always bolt upright in bed screaming a single name into the darkness of his room.


He'd then break down alone in his grief with the voice of Micah being his only companion because his rooms soundproof because Raguel can SNORE!

He has to be the strong one, the perfect little warrior, The Regent of Heaven, he's unaffected by fear.

What a wonderful lie that is...why fight against those expectations when everyone already believes it...

He's so tired of being what everyone needs him to be. Leader, Warrior, Scholar, Mediator, Medical Assistant...Is it sad that he's never truly felt like he's a Brother until he's the one that's left to help pick up the pieces and mend what's been broken...when he is also suffering from his own guilt stricken paranoia and fear?

Micah tries to soothe him whenever he's alone. He's the voice of reason that constantly reminds Michael that Hakim wouldn't have done anything differently if it meant protecting his little brother from harm.

"That's the job of a brother Michael, regardless if they're older or younger. We look out for one another and protect each other. was his choice to protect you. It wasn't without heartache for him—the fear of a painful death was ignored in that moment—he didn't hesitate. I would know, Michael because I did the same..."

He knew Micah was right...but, it never meant it gets any easier to cope with the feeling of survivors guilt.

He inhaled, exhaled and opened his eyes to find himself in the secondary training pavilion where Uriel does defensive fighting.

He helped the older warriors train their younger siblings in defensive fighting whenever Uriel was to lost in the silence of his head for the next seven hours after hearing a familiar song...

Dust gets into his eyes from an unexpected face plant into the dirt. He's distracted again.

Inhale, exhale, he opens his eyes again and finds himself in the forge.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now