Chapter 358: Slice of Life part 3 - Black's Reminiscing

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Eternal: By 2WEI, Elena Westermann, and Eddie Hayes

There was - is - a saying in criminal underground of Hell: 'The greatest misfortune of the Butterfly Mercenary's enemies is that they are the Butterfly Mercenary's enemies.'

It's a sinister and all too real message that everyone within the Headquarters building of Dread Keep, the entirety of Hell's criminal underworld, or anyone even remotely associated with it, knows of - word for word.

Even now...

With Aciano's moniker being nothing more than a whisper now, his influence still strikes fear in the demonic hearts of many denizens.

It's a fact for some that you will be crying tears of blood in the face of all the destruction a single demonic teenager could pull in a single week back in his 'Gorey Days'.

Denizens of the black market of Hell learned early on in his 'career' not to mess with the boy.

Those that mocked as nothing more than the kid the Boss of Dread Keep toted around like a prized pet poodle would come to fear him.

Aciano could easily dismember you 57 ways and then some. But if that's not enough to satisfy him...he can get even more...creative with his methods.

Aciano Ramirez proved himself to be a merciless wraith onto the denizens of Dread Industries in just a little under two years after his manifestation into Hell.

The sixteen year old demon child has racked up a rep sheet and a list of accomplishments that made even Simon Black, the oldest and longest living member of the Assassins sector of the Headquarters building and made him look like a newbie amateur.

The Butterfly Mercenary, he quickly earned himself the moniker and is labeled as a psycho by many.

Merciless. Cruel. Cold.

Unflinching. Unflappable. Emotionless.

A boy who was beaten down into submission by cruel hands and never broke. A boy who took to the art of throwing a blade and spilling blood with a smile of his face.

A broken little boy who was obviously born to be an assassin.

A boy with crimson blood and a heart stained black by his own sins both living and nonliving.

...It's all a lie.

Sure his killings were swift and efficient, competent and precise, but they never saw him when he was alone. They never saw him breaking down in silent screams and vomiting until he's dry heaving...

To the rest of Dread Industries he's Simon Black's right hand man.

Begrudgingly, if you bothered asking Black considering the boy was the only one to garner any favor from Master Dread out of all his trained assassins...which are few now thanks to the brat.

To anyone else they'll see a darling boy turned murderer.

A medically gifted mind twisted into that of a torturer...

The very thing he despised.

He's calculating, and frightfully intelligent.

There were many ways to describe the Butterfly Mercenary's reign of terror within the underground and they would all be true, almost too accurate even.

However, not many knew the more humane side of the boy whose moniker strikes fear into the souls of the Hellish underground.

The way he can act his age around his precious Wu-Laoshi to whom he genuinely cared about. The way he relaxed around Jinlong enough of let the demon treat him like a nephew in all but blood. The way Jinlong let the boy grieve against his chest or vent out his anger against the cruelty of his afterlife with a weapon in hand against a wooden training dummy...

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