Chapter 386: Observation Training...with Uriel.

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Uriel arrived into the dining room with Lucifer and Lilith. He sighed into a fond smile the second he opened the doors to see Razzle and Dazzle stuffing their faces with donuts. Rosie is chuckling softly behind her teacup. Vaggie and Charlie both watch with fondness before it shifts into a hidden layer of tension between them surrounding the lack of Azrael's presence. Uriel can tell the girls were trying to not think about what went on without them present to hear about Farouk's condition.

"Where's Uncle Azrael?"

"He's with your auntie Jophiel right now sweetheart."

Her father's abrupt answer was concerning in and of itself, (mostly because it's Azrael) and quick responses like that never made Charlie feel any better. Especially when her father sounded like he didn't actually believe himself when he said it.

She turned to Uriel only to see him smiling fondly at her brother's stuffing their faces with food. Her uncle was either oblivious to what was spoken or acting as though nothing was wrong when he knew that wasn't the case.

Lucifer noticed his brother's zoned out fondness aimed towards his sons and commented with a smirk.

"What are you smiling about Uriel? You look like you've seen a friendly little ghost."

Uriel chuckles as he turns his head to look at Lucifer with that fond expression and a playful glimmer in his baby-blue eyes.

"If you're counting yourself as Casper the Friendly Ghost, then yes. I have indeed been blessed by seeing a friendly little ghost from the past."

Lucifer blushed and looked down in embarrassment at being compared to Casper.

Uriel reaches out and gently presses on the section of the upper back that automatically summons Lucifer's smallest set of wings into appearing. Uriel let out a pleased bird like thrum within his throat before he immediately starts preening the unruly black wings. He moves with a natural grace and calming diligence in his fingertips to unravel the twisted feathers.

"To properly answer your question Lucifer," he says this with a sigh as he parts a few of the more unruly feathers, and maneuvers them into laying down properly alongside the rest of the feathers while also gently coating them with the naturally produced oils from the wings oil glands. "...I was simply reminded of how you and little Gabriel used to be while eating apples and mangos. You'd devour apples in forty seconds flat Lucifer, I know this because Azrael timed it once. While Gabriel would devour whole mangos - peeling and all - like how the Razzle and Dazzle devour those sugary donuts."

Lucifer snorted over the memory of his and Gabriel's pink tinted cheeks once Jophiel started laughing at them due to their juice stained faces and clothes.

"Heh....Yeah." He smiles softly at the memory of his twins love for mangoes. "Gabe sure loves his mangoes. Almost as much as he loved his coffee."

Uriel smiles softly at his shy baby brother as he continues preening the feathers and gently stimulating the oil glands on his brother's wings to evenly coat the feathers with the waterproofing oils.

Charlie watched it all in amazement and blinks at Uriel in disbelief.

"How did you do that?"

Uriel stops with his diligent preening and stares at her with a look of slight confusion.


Charlie stares, blinks, and comments. "How'd you make my dad's wings appear like that?"

"Ah." He blinks and returns to preening. "Well, it's all about connecting with the right pressure points my dear little niece. Also, Lucifer, I know you've been neglecting your wings. They are positively frightful! I'm preening the other two pair of wings after this. It's nonnegotiable."

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now