Chapter 331: Leo's day out with Shoi-Ming - Part 1

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Peace: by Nico & Vinz

Within a little Taiwan styled house with a small Mongolian yurt playhouse in the backyard next to a massive greenhouse...

The tranquility of the early morning was abruptly ended by the rapidly moving feet of a tiny little Hellborn lion cub demon.

A few slips and slides of bare feet against the slick hardwood floors are quickly followed by a crash of broken porcelain...


The thumping of tiny feet starts up again as the little lion cub demon reaches his destination and after a few jumps he grabs at the high door handle. It opened with a click and the door opened.

A soft snoring came from the bed as a woman laid on her back. Her hair was fanned out around her face and tangled as she laid on her back with her arms posed above her head. The boy wasted no time in his entry into the room and ran over to the edge of the bed while shouting.

"Mama! Mama! Mama! Get Up! Get Up! Get Up! It's Morning!"

Daiyu groaned in her sleep. "Nooo, sleepy." She curled up onto her side. "I'm a sleepy little demon."

"Mamaaaaaaa I know you're just pretending!"

Daiyu blearily opened her eyes with a yawn. She then squinted and stared at the fuzzy ball of sunshine currently smiling at her while bouncing on his toes as he stood by the edge of the bed.

"Hi Mama!"

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"Hi Mama!"

Daiyu smiled fondly. "Hello my Little Cub." She sat up and stretched like a cat. Shoi-Ming gleefully jumped onto her bed and started bouncing around before he was caught by a pair of hands and held at arms length from underneath his armpits by Daiyu.

Daiyu stared him down. "Okay, who gave you caffeine?" Her eyes narrowed. "I want names."

Shoi-Ming giggled. "Mamaaaa no caffeine, I'm happy! It's sunrise!"



Daiyu blinked, and then her eyes widened. "OH SHIT!"

She repositions Shoi-Ming under her arm like a sack of flour and bolted to the bathroom only to skid to a halt and hold him out at arms length. "Oh right...I'm still carrying my kid." She set him down. "Sorry Xiaodan."

She ruffled his hair. "You know where your cereal is sweetie. I'll be out for breakfast in about 45 minutes."

Shoi-Ming giggled. "Hehehe okay Mama!"

Shoi-Ming can't really blame his mama for her forgetfulness in the mornings. Daiyu has a busy day ahead of her. First it's checking on the crops in the greenhouse, then she makes her way to the many districts of Envy's Asian communities to get the requests for certain chili's, while also delivering on any previous orders. Then she's off to the Jade Dragon Temple for the evenings as a guest chef for the most famous Asian cultural restaurant in all of Hell.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now