Chapter 249: The First Nine Plagues Of Egypt...

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The first nine plagues of Egypt are as followed.

Water turning to Blood
Pestilence of Livestock
Hail and Fire from the Heavens
Three days of Darkness...

The augury of the first nine plagues—as told by Moses to the Pharaoh of Egypt—are a little blurry to Azrael.

However, he definitely and rather vividly remembers how they all came to fruition upon the Egyptians.

When God ordered Moses brother Aaron to touch the River Nile with his staff Azrael watched with his Archangel siblings as the water turned to blood. The fish in the river died and the Egyptians couldn't drink the foul water and were horrified by the sight. The Egyptians were digging around the river searching desperately for a spring, but all they found was a spring of dark red blood. Even the water in the jars and pots were polluted with blood.

Michael was queasy at the sight of the horrified confusion in the Egyptians faces while Gabriel vomited into an empty vase. Raziel was rubbing his little brother's back to soothe his upset stomach from expelling anymore contents. Jophiel distracted herself from the sight of the water blood and smell of the vomit by making tea with Raphael.

Raziel muttered as Gabriel vomited again.

"Father's got a twisted plan in motion...I just wish it wasn't so..." Gabriel loudly vomited into a heaving gag and remarked hoarsely as Raziel patted his back. "...revolting..."

Azrael stared down into the All Seeing Eye with an emotionless gaze before he spoke towards his older and younger siblings. "It's not revolting." He looked over his shoulder and spoke hauntingly. "It's blood justice."

"It's retribution for the innocent sons of Israel that tyrant Pharaoh slaughtered in cold blood

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"It's retribution for the innocent sons of Israel that tyrant Pharaoh slaughtered in cold blood."

His eyes glowed.

"Let them look and remember the cries of the babies mother's, their father's, their older sisters and older brothers

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"Let them look and remember the cries of the babies mother's, their father's, their older sisters and older brothers...Let them hear and let them know just how deep their sins have tainted the water! It is a blood soaked stain upon the water and land! A sin colored crimson by the blood of the innocent. It's not revolting—It's Justice!"

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