Chapter 374: "Wait, you mean we're..." Amelia stares, "Family?" 🕰️⚙️

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Three days...

It took Aciano three days after talking about the *Aviary incident & the Jinlong trauma* for him to get stir crazy over his anxiety and finally visit Amelia.

He was still mulling it over on how and when to tell her about his darkest moments when he knocked on the aviator hanger door. He's wearing his godawful forest green cloak and drinking his store-bought smoothie when Sir Egglord himself opened the hanger door with a questioning look on his face.

"Sup Pent. Care to let me inside?"

"You have been dissstant for dayssss after Halloween boy. Amelia wasss beginning to worry about you."

"Shit." Aciano winced in regret and closed his eyes in shame. "I-I didn't mean to worry her."

"Humph," Sir Pentious crossed his arms. "Ssssee to it that you make it up to her then."

"I will Pent."

Sir Pentious rolled his eyes and let him enter before closing the hanger door. Aciano immediately saw Amelia at work with a riveting gun in hand while suspended over the tail rudder of Sir Pentious's damaged blimp. She's strapped into a harness connected to a movable trolley pulley system connected to a steel frame so she could move all around the blimp to work.

The riveting of the gun is loud and tedious, not to mention the rivet gun she is using is massive, but Aciano's never been one to question her strength in correlation to her rather petite size.

The egg boys were all gathering around him in droves until he was surrounded as though he was the messiah or something? They all looked at him and then looked up at Amelia as Aciano watched his girlfriend hard at work as he drank from his smoothie.

Sir Pentious was a demon of class, however, he wasn't above being a git if the opportunity presented itself. He slithered over to the lights and flicked the switch bathing the warehouse in darkness.


Sir Pentious did as she commanded and flicked the light switch with smug grin. "About time you acknowledged usssss. You've got a vissssiter."

Amelia blinked down at Sir Pentious. "Huh?" She then turned around in her harness and grinned broadly at the sight of her smirking boyfriend.

"Aci!" She hastily lowered herself to the floor and unbuckled the harness before outright bolting into his arms for a kiss.

Aciano laughed as he barely managed to hold onto his smoothie.

"Hahaha, hey Eli...sorry if I worried you."

"Three days of silence." Amelia punched his shoulder with an exasperated glare. "Aciano seriously send a butterfly or a 🤬 telegram next time."

"Again...sorry Eli. I promise I'll make it up to you."

He watched as Amelia's outfit changed in a shimmer of pink butterflies before the final butterfly hid itself within her hat.

"You can make it up to me by joining me at the Clockshop for some tea with Cogsworth."

"Huhhhh. Fine. I'll endure the monologuing of that Earl Grey Maniac for you Eli."

"Hey! Not everyone has to like different brands of tea Aci!"

Aciano shouted with an exasperated huff. "That Guy Is Obsessed With Earl Grey Tea Eli!" He then got a good look at her and grinned. "So you're a blonde today huh?" He snickered. "You know what they say about ditzy blondes..."

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