Chapter 225: The family name Al Saleh

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The twins assessed the scene of the crime that was Farouk's "fake" photoshoot pictures! The crime was the fact he lied to them about hating every second of it! The dude looked like he was actually having fun despite all of his griping about it afterwards!

They now have blackmail against him if he ever gets into one of his "moods" again. Blackmail that was ever so smugly given to them in the form of Seviathan Von Eldritch, who despite everything he's said and done to manipulate Charlie's emotions, was still making a conscious effort at staying on good terms with the two of them. They knew it's mostly because they'll tattletale to Imaad and the Von Eldritch Brats respect Imaad greatly since he was the first to even listen to their needs and complaints without immediately labeling them as brats. He sees them as misunderstood children in need of guidance and a comforting presence that's not automatically classified as being a parental figure.

Seviathan laughed. "The guy was grinning throughout that fake photoshoot! Honestly, I'm not sure if it was the thrill of breakdancing or if it was 🤬 forced, but he was grinning and now you guys have the 🤬 proof to use against him next time he picks on you two jackass's! If and when you do use it, it'll be at the risk of your own peril hahahahaha!"

Meanwhile, Imaad was busy looking over the financial accounts on file from Barnabas for any inconsistencies. He's figuring out if any of the money was being deposited into any separate accounts as well as looking over the encrypted accounts Vincenzo had managed to access. He sat in the comfy armchair and his photographic memory automatically saved the information into his memory bank of a brain before he finally addressed Mrs. Bethesda Von Eldritch with the same worries Vincenzo had.

"You're right to be concerned about how this could affect how we go about our individual roles alongside the monarchy Bethesda..."

"This is a high class military grade encryption, just like Vincenzo said

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"This is a high class military grade encryption, just like Vincenzo said. Whoever made this account is either a brilliant encryptor or a paranoid money hoarding sociopath...maybe a bit of both given the fact they're using a plethora of coded encryptions...It actually reminds me of the Zodiac Killer encryptions that had Lucifer laughing for years after it was labeled a cold case. This is no different than figuring out the correct set of letters to start unraveling the codes..."


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