Chapter 278: Wħɇn̷ Ɨ đɍa̷w m̷ɏ ƀła̷đɇ ɨŧ's̷ łɨǥħŧs̷ øᵾŧ ŧħɨs̷ a̷ɨn̷'ŧ a̷ ǥa̷m̷ɇ

204 4 16

Face in the dark: by City Wolf

Xander was staring blankly down at Dennis's peacefully sleeping form only to jolt when Crymini walked in looking like she did yesterday. "Xander...turn on the Tv."

Xander's eye widened slightly and glowed as his shadow immediately turned the Tv on to 666 News. Xander's now staring at the Tv screen with his normally smiling face frozen in a thin line. It's hardly classified as a grin at all not when all emotion is completely vacant from his face! Well it would be if not for Katie Killjoys voice sounding like someone was skinning a cat while it's still alive then he'd have completely tuned it all out. But alas her voice is annoying and grating for his sensitive eardrums. He's aware of the absence of the Coffee to the Crotch Gas Mask Demon the moment he's pulled back into reality by Kalfu when Killjoy finally stops laughing over insulting her absent co-host.

"Whoever would've thought that the most feared demon in Hell..."

Kalfu smirked because that's a real kick to the rear for Draegan's ego...but then reality sunk in and all Kalfu could think of was 'oh 🤬'.

"Was actually a 🤬 softie for the Hellborn Freaks of Hell?! That's right folks The Demon Who Laughs has a soft side for kids! Hahaha!"

A single thin strand in that thick braided rope cording that makes up Kalfu's control over Xander's emotional state, snaps like a broken violin string. Xander's eye glows within the black aura that's surrounding him in a thick overbearing shroud...

"The Demon Who Laughs is a 🤬 psychopath with no 🤬 allegiance to a Ring of Hell and yet here—," The video of Xander cradling Dennis in his arms and singing while he's surrounded by the other kiddos is shown for all to see. "Is nothing more than a pathetic sniveling child in the face of minimal injury."

Xander's lips twitched into a snarl.

"Minimal my ass you 🤬 bitch! And I'm no child..."

Kalfu mentally sighs. They see Xander as some vulnerable child...and Kalfu knows that deep down—that's what Xander is at heart. He's an abused terrified child, but unlike the little Imp child that is still sleeping on the medical bed, Xander wasn't given a loving family or even friendships. All the brat had was an old hunting knife and his wits!

Kalfu cursed deep within Xander's subconscious where his Vessel can't go to.

*🤬 ø wøđɇɍ Xa̷n̷đɇɍ ħa̷n̷ǥs̷ a̷ɍøᵾn̷đ ŧħøs̷ɇ kɨđ. Ħɇ' łɨvɨn̷ǥ łɨfɇ ħɇ n̷ɇvɇɍ ǥøŧ! Ǥɍa̷ Ɨ đø'ŧ køw ɨf Ɨ łɨkɇ ŧħɨs̷ ffɨłɨa̷ŧɨø wɨŧħ ŧħɇ Ȼøm̷m̷ᵾn̷ɨŧɏ Ȼɇn̷ŧɇɍ a̷n̷ɏm̷øɍɇ. Ŧħɇs̷ɇ kɨđ a̷ɍɇ ħƶa̷ɍđ ŧø ħɨs̷ ɨn̷s̷a̷n̷ɨŧɏ.*

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