Chapter 264: Michael's first day in Hell, with no sleep and limited patience

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Dawn day one of Michael's week in Hell. The Hellish sunlight shines through the windows of the hotel room Azrael and Michael were staying in. Azrael was wide awake because of his back and because his sleep schedule is all kinds of jacked up with an unhinged side of cuckoo bananas level of irritably that's oftentimes shown through sass and sarcasm!

He smirked when the light shined on Michael's face and his little brother's face scrunched up in discomfort.

"Grrrrrraaaaaaa someone tell Father to turn off the sun...fifteen more minutes."

"Awwwwww but Michi Bob you're normally a morning person?"

Michael immediately opened his eyes and came face to face with Azrael.

Michael immediately opened his eyes and came face to face with Azrael

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"Heya little bro. You look like Gabriel, or an old school Hollywood vampire with those bags under your eyes. That or probably me after my body decides to keel over on me after looking after the Heathens all day—ow!" His back flared up on him and he chuckled. "Ha well ain't that ironic coming from me, considering my bloody backs on fire right now—it's a valid statement!"

Michael blinks.

Ah, that's right...this isn't his bedroom.

He isn't in Heaven. He's in Hell.

He's in charge of making sure Thing One doesn't do anything stupid until his back heals.

That's not even counting Thing Two.


Everything from yesterday crashed down on him again and he suddenly couldn't breathe.

He was hyperventilating until Azrael flicked his forehead. "Ow!"

"Oi Micah I thought you're supposed to be keeping him out of his own head big brother? You're not seriously slacking off on your duties right now are you?!"

Micah's voice immediately spoke through Michael as he returned the gesture and flicked Azrael's forehead rather hard.


"You think this is an easy process for me either Azrael? His emotions are linked with mine!"

Azrael rubbed at the red mark on his forehead and muttered. "Okay I get it. Mind getting me the ointment though, I wasn't kidding about my back being on fire."

Michael rolled his eyes and got to work on his older brother's back. Doing an extra lather of the fast working ointment that seeps into the skin in less than a few seconds of contact (Raphael's Angelic Powers). Azrael instantly felt his muscles relaxing and the burning fire subsided for a few hours at best. At least until lunch. Azrael then snapped his fingers and his normal black and gold themed outfit appeared on him with the disguised altercations to the crosses. The cold silk fabric worked to soothe his body temperature immensely. Course all of his outfits he wears are cool and slick to the touch. Mostly it's silk that's stronger than a diamond thanks to his powers.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now