Chapter 361: Aciano's Memory part 1 - From Gladiator fights to one day Manhunts

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Killing Butterflies: by Lewis Blissett

Aciano's memories...

Satan was sweating bullets under the unamused stare of Draegan Dread, the deadpanned stare of Simon Black who at this time is more flesh and bone than he is android.

What irritated him was A-16B, Dread Industry's very own Butterfly Assassin lounging on Satan's fabric protected, newly bought, Roman couch as if he 🤬 owned it.

Aciano ignored Black's jabbering considering it to be nothing more than white noise, and instead focuses on staring Satan down with a bored expression that had the Goat Prince on edge.

Aciano ignored Black's jabbering considering it to be nothing more than white noise, and instead focuses on staring Satan down with a bored expression that had the Goat Prince on edge

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Aciano then put on his red cloak and scoffed to himself over this incompetence before walking over and snatching the intelligence reports out of Black's hands and flipped through it. All with his back turned to his 'torturer'.

He knows full well what this act of disrespect will earn him later on once they return to Dread Keep he doesn't care because this is just insulting to him.

Aciano scowls as he flipped through the pages and immediately placed the stack on the table and commented sharply. "Well, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought Satan. How could you seriously not notice that this guy is a walking red flag. His entire 🤬 persona just screams 'I'm A Spy'. He's so 🤬 obvious it's 🤬 pathetic that he even made it this long without being found out sooner. Someone has been slacking on their 🤬 job cuz if I had been allowed into those meetings this bastard would've been double dead the second he opened his 🤬 mouth."


Aciano crossed his arms. "I suppose, considering I'm here, that you're wanting me to take care of him for you."

"Tch, typical

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"Tch, typical. You know for such a wrathful demon you sure are a 🤬 coward Satan. I know you can't do it yourself since you have to play the role of the oblivious fool so you don't draw any more attention to yourself and blow all our plans to that Angelic Clown. So instead you pawn this shit show off onto me to handle, as if I don't have anything better to do with my time than clean up your 🤬 messes."

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