Chapter 233: An affiliation with fire

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Josephine wasn't anticipating this at all when she woke up this morning only a day after getting the Vogue Magazines. Miruku and Rasim were at the Teahouse. Abigail had left earlier than them for the Emporium to get a head start on a commissioned dress for a demoness. Alastor was cooking and yet Amos has yet to come down for breakfast despite the shrimp and grits!


That alone was concerning...

Alastor was constantly looking at the kitchen door every fifteen seconds or so as he stirred the shrimp and grits. Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, Angel Dust, and Husker were growing anxious. You know it's worrisome when Husker hasn't drank once from his beer bottle. Nyx and Fat Nuggets were happily chowing down on their own breakfast while little Clementine just whimpered from her baby carrier on the specialty made chair and looked around expectantly for her grandpa.

When Amos finally entered a minute later he looked irritated and was furiously scratching at the palms of his hands until they looked like he was suffering from a Poison Ivy rash!

Angel Dust arched a brow. "Uhhhhh you doing okay there Mr. W?"

"Wha—oh yes, I'm fine..." He continued scratching at his palms. "Palms are just itchy today is all. Reminds me of the mosquitoes of Louisiana if I'm be brutally honest..."

Alastor arched a brow as he plated the shrimp and grits before sharing a look towards his wife. Clementine was smiling at her grandpa with the same smile she wore yesterday.

Alastor spoke up with a innate curiosity in his voice. "Your hands...are itching?"

Amos scoffed as he scratched at his palms in frustration over not being able to eat from the urge to scratch.

"Obviously!" He then managed to pick up the spoonful and sighed as he immediately shoved it into his mouth only to continue scratching.

Josephine smiled. "Looks like the old fire manipulation training will be starting earlier for you than I had expected Amos."

Amos had managed to get another spoonful of shrimp and grits into his mouth without feeling the urge to scratch at his palms only to look at her with wide eyes, the spoon sticking out of his mouth, and chipmunk cheeks. He slowly swallowed a small portion of the meal but spoke with the spoon still in his mouth.


Everyone that was present all looked at her for clarification but Josephine simply grinned and said nothing. Neither did Alastor as the deer demon simply ate his breakfast with a hearty chuckle. Clementine giggled happily as Alastor started heating up her bottle on the stove.

After leaving Alastor to clarify things up with the others, and to deal with Clementine's bottle and morning diaper change, Josephine was now casually flipping through the pages of a book up on the roof with Amos in attendance.

She casually bookmarked the page and closed the book.

"Something Lilith has informed me from the first day of my imprisonment by Mammon is that the Voudon Mages all share a key aspect that reflects one or sometimes many of the Loa's. Meaning: The demonic appearances oftentimes reflects their more favored Vodou practices from when they were alive."

She smiled as her eyes glowed. "For Papa Loko it's the deer species. I know it's strange considering his symbol is of a snake but it is what it is. For Legba it's that of a ram or even a satyr-like appearance that closely resembles their human appearance. With Loa Kalfu noticed Xander's Hyena appearance."

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