Chapter 214: "He's my uncle, The Big Bad Wolf."

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The Artwork up above is from fellow Wattpad writer and co-collaborator TheDarkEmperor.

The next day...after Alastor's hunt through the swampland...

Crymini wasn't as surprised that 666 News was in a uproar about Alastor right now but he made his point clear that the "new swamp" is just as dangerous as the "old swamp" was. She also wasn't surprised that Xander's Shadow was loitering around the Community Center when she arrived there in the early morning hours with a belly full of jelly donuts.

She's early, but it's also late enough for the daycare team to still curse her out the moment she finally decided to enter the building and save them from the hoard of little Heathens.

The moving Shadow followed her movements until it stopped the moment she opened the door and refused to enter with her. Crymini closed the door without entering and turned around with a hand on her hip.

"You gonna tell me I have to invite you inside as though you're some old fashioned Hollywood vampire?"

The Shadow's eyes narrowed.

"Well? Ya gonna say anything?"

The sound of children laughing from the the opened windows caused the Shadow to shudder and Crymini remembered something as she put two and two together. She cracked up laughing.

"Bwhahahaha! You're a crazy psychopath, and yet you're telling me that you're afraid of children Xander?"

Xander appeared partially out of the shadows and aimed Amos's old hunting knife at the jugular vein. "I'm not afraid of those snot nosed brats!"

Crymini grinned and moved the knife away.

"Oh yeah? Then prove it tough guy! Cuz in case you've forgotten we've got a baby fawn coming over here with her parents to help out during the big event, and that's a non negotiable thing Xander. Little Clementine's to young to be left alone without her mother so you're going to have to deal with it."

"...🤬 Hell!"

"'re pretty hilarious you know. The kids aren't that terrible and they respect me enough to know when to cut the bullcrap whenever I bring around friends...well, that's only when I actually have friends over here anyway. Life's been eventful for most of my friends in the past few years—more so recently."

She smiled softly. "Not like I'm complaining about that at all. I'm happy for them. Cherri Bomb's got a boyfriend now and is finally getting his family drama professionally dealt with thanks to Abigail Williams. Octavia's finally reconnecting with her dad while also exploring her likely future career as a songwriter. Charlie's gotten closure with her dad and is hopefully getting somewhere with that hotel of hers..." She looked at him then looked away in embarrassment.

"What I'm saying is, these kids are well behaved and they don't discriminate against physical differences." She eyed him with a knowing glint in her eyes. "And yeah I pretty much guessed it's about the eyepatch, but chill out Hyena Boy. They've seen every type of physical abnormality in existence down here. They're Hellborn demons after all, they ain't squeamish about a demon with an eyepatch. Half the middle school boys will just think it's cool and ask about how you lost the eye, while the elementary school and daycare kids will most likely ask if you're a pirate." She then snickered into a mischievous smirk. "Might even ask you to play as a pirate if I'm being brutally honest here."

Xander was very uncomfortable with that. Crymini sighed.

"Look you don't have to come inside but I'm a good judge of character and I don't think you're as bad of a guy as you like to make everyone believe. You, or that chaotic Loa."

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now