Chapter 270: Abigail's therapy session for 3 angelic idiots + Micah...part 1

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Charlie was somewhere with Vagatha and the boys...likely making a late lunch/early dinner. Meanwhile Lilith was sitting off to the side of the massive dining room table closest to the closed double doors. There's a sound barrier around the room and both older angelic brother's stayed in their disguises for this meeting because Michael refused to drop his disguise.

Abigail was sitting opposite of the three brothers. She took one look between them all, starting from Azrael to Michael then to Lucifer, and sighed as she shook her head.

"You angelic brother's are all alike..."

They blinked in confusion at the exact same time—proving her point.

Abigail sighed again before drawing a six sided star on a piece of paper and slides it out onto the middle of the table. Right in front of Michael.

"We'll start with the main reason why I'm here in front of you all. You Micah and Michael are like this drawing of the Star of David. Your personalities are steady and balanced. The name Michael expresses a sense of strength, bravery and power. You and Micah both have strong personalities and are deemed the most capable leaders in all attributes of diplomacy, analysis, and combative ability. Micah's magnetic personality is given onto you Michael in the form of respect and love for your family and the love they ultimately have for you in return. You Micah are a rather selfless, service-oriented and conscientious soul while also being pragmatic towards your every situation. You've been nicknamed "The Voice of Reason" amongst your siblings. Meanwhile, Michael is thorough, strong-willed, and stubborn. You also have a great sense of responsibility and duty Michael, however, that has lead you to struggle. You've overwhelmed yourself with the burdens of a perfectionist mindset. A mindset you placed upon yourself out of the purpose of fulfillment to distract you from that heavy guilt over your own actions and regrets. Your fierce obligation to uphold justice and truth is been endowed onto you by observing Uriel and Raguel."

She let that sink in before continuing.

"You are so hard working in fact that you've willingly become the unsung martyr of your family. A martyr to the duties you would rather shoulder yourself instead of watching as it burdens those you hold closest to you. You're not alone in that manner of thinking, but yours isn't as noticeable as the others."

The three brothers immediately thought of Gabriel, their caffeinated little hummingbird.

Azrael then thought of Raphael and noticed how Lucifer and Michael immediately turned their eyes towards him, while his eyes locked onto Michael's first.

Lucifer also shifted his gaze towards Michael and Michael turned his eyes down towards his clenched hands that were resting on his lap.

Abigail hummed in acknowledgement and continued speaking. "You both have a tendency to give up what you want so others can have what they need. It's a mindset drawn solely by Micah's righteous selflessness and compassionate nature. You Michael, have willingly decided to take up the burdens that have overwhelmed so many of your siblings. Despite fulfilling your own duties it's your desperate need to save your family from crumbling into grief and guilt over the horrific death of Hakim and the tragic loss of Lucifer and the decimation of the Rouges that hardened your heart and enforced a strong sense of security within you. It has unconsciously empowered your siblings to achieve greatness simply by being there for them. You will fight without hesitating to protect them from all manner of afflictions. Negating your own guilt and grief as insignificant in exchange for the distractions brought upon you by the duties you have been trained to fulfill since the moment of your creation. You are so duty-driven in your actions that it can sometimes be detrimental to you without you even realizing it, and leave Micah floundering to guide you out of the introspective spiral you fall pray too."

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