Chapter 258: Hope is just around the corner...

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The Hotel was a mixture of tension and excitement as Charlie managed to drag Michael out Azrael's designated bedroom to give him the grand tour of the Hotel.

Michael seemed interested in everything she was saying and she saw his fond smile every once in a while, but, she could tell his mind kept drifting back to his brother's out of worrying for Azrael's injuries and her dad's mentality.

According to Amos, her father was still watching over Azrael with her mom as it was getting closer to 10:00 when she showed Uncle Michael the office—that looked more like a tornado went through it over all the opened books, charts and papers scattered throughout the room.

Alastor for all his efforts to remain civil was still emanating a serious level of tension in regards to her uncle. It showed through the radio static that seemed to grow louder the longer he stayed in the Hotel.

Finally Josephine had enough and handed him Clementine while she held Nyx in her arms and said they'll be staying at the swamp until Alastor "calms the 🤬 down before he gets a brain aneurysm", those were her exact words.

Alastor told his father that if Michael dares to harm Niffty again over her OCD then he's to call Alastor ASAP!

Rasim and Miruku weren't at all impressed by that and Abigail swiftly told her son and her husband how that wasn't going to happen and that they should be thinking of Clementine and not picking fights with the Warrior Archangel!

Of course Angel Dust was already texting a mass spam of vague emoji text messages to his siblings and Cherri Bomb telling them to come to the Hotel tomorrow.

To which Arackniss mentally filled in the dots and immediately spat out his beer in front of Vincenzo before filling him in on what he figured out...before calling Farouk.

Back at the Hotel, Rasim also had a lot to tell his crew-mates but he did it by letter. His only problem, he has absolutely no idea how he's going to start it?

Miruku was putting up the teacups into the cabinets and smiled. She's just happy that the three angelic brother's were finally talking things out. She always guessed it was guilt keeping Michael from reaching out to Lucifer.

Back within Azrael's designated hotel room...

Azrael had ultimately reverted back to his normal black haired appearance and smiled softly over his little brother's worried eyes and his sister-in-law's concerned frown over the state his back was in.

Azrael had ultimately reverted back to his normal black haired appearance and smiled softly over his little brother's worried eyes and his sister-in-law's concerned frown over the state his back was in

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"Relax you two. I'll be fine. I've had worse injuries during training practice. It's late I wanna sleep so go home and, do boring paperwork, have a crazy date night with the Mrs I don't care what you do just vacate from the room already! Michi's not gonna be gone for long so shoo, go on, get out."

Lucifer looked conflicted about leaving before Michael returned, but his wife's arm suddenly wrapped around his waist and her black tinted lips were pressing against his temple in a comforting kiss. "Luci, he's right. I know you're worried but he's not going to vanish. We'll see them both tomorrow morning and when Azrael's well enough to go outside without his back flaring up on him, then we can give Michael a proper tour of the Palace."

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now