Chapter 322: The Lunar Owl makes his grand debut!

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Face the Facts: by Ezgod

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Azrael took a step back in hesitation. "You..."

Micah smiled as the intricate filigree of his mask moved like clockwork to cover his left eye.

"Why—Little Brother, you look so surprised to see me?"

Micah chuckled as he teased Azrael. "You were sooo eager to fight our precious little Snowbird earlier, I just couldn't say no to the apparent invitation." Micah's grin was downright frightening as a warm glow surrounded him in a halo of light. "What's the matter? Don't you wanna fight me too?"

Michael was now the owl perched on Micah's shoulder.

It was strange...but not uncomfortable, just—different.

Michael had grown so accustomed to having Micah's voice speaking to him from within his head, but's like they're two separate beings! Despite their deep soul bounded connection it's a little jarring, but Micah was insistent about this being the best course of action to take. Especially once he saw just how far Azrael's mind was spiraling.

Azrael took a moment to actually contemplate Micah's sudden and rather unprecedented appearance and he could guess that Raguel and Uriel have fainted from the shock—only to notice something that pissed him off.

Azrael snarled in frustration over not seeing his elder brother's eyes.

"Oh so what? You share his body so what makes you think I'm so afraid of you when you're using his body. Snowbird still can't beat me in a full on fistfight! That one time he landed any of those hits was a lucky break! A one time fluke. A spur of the moment lack of my concentration that won't be happening again."

"Oh?" Micah smirked. "Was it really? So is that what you tell yourself so you can sleep at night?" Azrael's confidence wavers as Micah grins. "Or did he perhaps finally decide to listen to reason when I gave him a worthwhile piece of advice about all of your ticklish spots."

Lucifer smirked. He knew what Micah was referring to now.

Michael's fight against Azrael to become an Archangel was rather hilarious at the end—much to Azrael's embarrassment.

Azrael's smug grin had faded fast as Michael flew off Micah's shoulder. "It's about time you face the facts brother."

He flicks his hands out and his veil floats around him by the sheer strength of his self control.

He flicks his hands out and his veil floats around him by the sheer strength of his self control

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