Chapter 347: "You think be Exterminators is easy?"

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The light orb glowed again as Azrael smirked at the sight of his crabby older brother mimicking Raguel with that stoic drill sergeant posture. Raziel was standing in the middle of the Arena with his hands clasped behind his back.

*Hehehehe, Razzy always did admire Raguel's nonverbal brand of intimidation.*

The images focused on two identical older angels in a crowd of younglings.

Gabriel was busy scowling at Lucifer from his seat beside his twin, who had the decency to look apologetic, before shooting his glare at Azrael.

The Babysitter of Heaven simply smirked and waved at him.

Gabriel's glare was subdued as he felt a tap on his shoulder. When he looked behind his shoulder he saw Michael was seated behind them.

Michael gave him an understanding gaze as Micah smiled at him before slowly lifting his gaze to glower at Azrael's teasing.

Gabriel smiled at the sudden flinch Azrael gave over the glowing blue eyes piercing through his soul. Micah also didn't appreciate that coal ash prank and he made sure to let Azrael know.

Raziel of course noticed everything and sighed over the confused group of younglings that also noticed the odd interactions going on between their older brothers.

Raziel cleared his throat. "Erhem."

All eyes locked onto him. "Surly you all know why I'm here instead of Raguel." It wasn't a question. One of the younglings opened his mouth but Raziel didn't give his sibling the chance to speak. "And no, the reasoning for Lucifer and Gabriel's integration in today's lesson is one of their own making. Same goes for Michael and Azrael. Don't bother asking for clarification from them, it's their business. Though the older two are merely here to monitor the attention span of those lesser inclined to listening, it's still being viewed a punishment. A punishment that's uniquely different for each of them and will not hinder your learning at all."

He shot a glare towards Azrael who flinched because he was told to not to be a tease.

Raziel then focused back on the younglings and clasped his hands in front of him in a way that mirrors Raphael. "It has come to my attention that you lot have naively believed that your future role as Exterminator Angels will be—what was it Raguel said again—easy?"

Azrael scoffed because even he was peeved by that.

Raziel continued.

"You believe it so much that you're willingly slacking off on your training. Such ignorant negligence in combat can and will lead to serious injuries in the future. You've failed to listen to Raguel about the severity of this negligence. And even more so you've gone as far as arguing about it with Raphael of all Archangels. It's the peak of stupidity. Such actions down in Hell can lead to a multitude of unsavory results."

Azrael's eyes widened over that before glaring daggers towards his younger siblings. He knew what Raziel is referring to the moment he saw Michael's eyes flash neon blue. He was referring to Micah and their fallen older siblings.

The younglings all cowered over Azrael's glare and flinched when even Lucifer and Gabriel, who were only a few ages older than them, were frowning down at them.

It was Michael that had them whimpering. Micah was looking down on them with immense disappointment in his glowing neon blue eyes that had hints of electric gold coursing through them.

Raziel raised his hand and that immediately calmed Azrael's emotions before he continued speaking.

"This naivety and negligent view towards your own training is the sole reason for why I'm here, instead of Raguel."

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