Chapter 334: Part 3, Farouk teaches Aci how to dance-I mean fight!

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Desert Sun: by Ebunny - Topic

Leonidas smiled as he turned a page. "Now, this is something that given recent events I've realized may not be appropriate are children, but that doesn't mean you are to be ignorant of the atrocities of Hell. You children maybe young but you are far from innocent. I still want to warn you in case this triggers you. Xander I give you permission to slap me if you see anyone of them reacting in a negative manner. This was told to me by Aciano, and by a panicking Farouk. Well, the cowardly snake charmer actually wrote it all down in this book and had me read it." Leonidas rolled his eyes. "Honestly, it's as if he believed I wasn't going to berate him any less than what was justifiable by him taking the cowards way out."

Xander snickered. "Oh boy, what'd he do? Lose the kid in the city marketplace?"

"No—Ah, actually...yes."

"Wait, what?—Really?"

"Yep. He was lucky Rasim and Miruku weren't in town that day or I would have let them handle the reprimanding after what he had me read..."

" got all serious there Leo..."

"One word: Halloween. Read between the lines Fink."

"......Oh 🤬 shit."

Flashback told by Aciano and Farouk's perspectives...

There's something truly beautiful in the way Farouk chooses to entertain himself while in town.

Unlike before when he was forced to dance and take all of the inappropriate gazes and commentary of the old Sultan's key elites—with the good mannered smile of a charming young prince—now, he dances solely for himself.

He chooses to dance on the streets of the Grecian town square for his own enjoyment. If he draws in a crowd that actually pays for his form of entertainment...then who's he to complain?

He gives all of it away to the group of poor widows that had banded together to tend after the orphans anyways. He certainly doesn't need it and if it provides food on the table for those women and kids he'll gladly dance.

Nowadays he mostly dances for one person. A little boy that likes to dress up in shades of reds, grays, and his favorite color of cerulean blue.

Little Aciano Ramirez.

Farouk was in charge of Aciano today as he took the now 6 year old boy out for a stroll through the market. He was ultimately "pressured" into showing off his dancing acrobatic skills after a group of local merchants begged him to help draw in a crowd.

Farouk smirked good-naturally and rolled his eyes. "You know I'm all for helping out, and I would, hands are kind of tied with looking after the little Mariposa Azul."

He smiled fondly as he pulled a blushing Aciano by the shoulder to press against his right side. The locals all smiled and offered the adorable child, that they've all grown significantly fond over, a few of the sweeter treats from their stalls.

One stall owner chuckled.

"Oh I'm sure you can trust the boy to not wander off after he sees you dancing for the crowd!"

"Well said! It's hard to look away!"

"I've got the drums and instruments ready for you Farouk!"

"Come on and show these foreigners what a grand performance looks like!"

Farouk chuckled as he looked down at Aciano who blinked up at him as though he's a deity.

"You dance?!"

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