Chapter 295: Nightshade is to be feared. Pray you never learn her real name

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Azrael bowed to Miruku. "And seeing as how I'm such a gentleman. You can start!"

Miruku smirked and chuckled. "You obviously don't seem to realize the power you just gave me..."

Azrael blinked then paled. "On second thought...I'll go first."

Miruku laughed and Azrael rolled his eyes with a smile as he summoned a light orb.

Azrael's Flashback POV...

Azrael is a complicated Archangel.

Despite his favoritism towards his favored souls he's never one to linger long enough to form friendships—not in the beginning at least. Not even with the Pirates, regardless of how caring they may be to him it's not going to change the fact that he's still seen as a Archangel. As someone to be cautious about less than he were a guest in their home.

At least—that's how he views their interactions with him anyway. Despite the fact Farouk berates him for his moody depressive attitude when he has no room to talk!

It's something that's been nagging Azrael's psyche as he walked down the streets of Pride towards one place in particular.

He had no idea why the Hell he was coming back here?

It's only been a year and a day since the moment he was ousted into revealing himself to a clever demoness before his depressed mind even had the chance to reprimand him. Ousted by the one demoness he felt the most guilty towards since the moment of her death...more so given the fact her child's and lover's deaths are still weighing down on him like Atlas.

As he walks he has been formulating his battle plans to take care of a little situation for his exceedingly overworked little brother while he was down here in Hell. Situations like these are nothing to trivial for him to handle. Means less work for LuLu.

However, when he overheard the fact that this entire "fake family clan" will be gathering to indulge in their celebratory monthly spoils later in the evening, Azrael decided to wait until then to strike when they let their guard down.

To pass the time—with only an hour before his plan was put into motion, Azrael wandered towards the Teahouse.

When he approached the Teahouse he noticed something alarming.

One: There was a large unruly demon thug from the "fake family clan" of disgraced thieves from Japan threatening Miruku.

The members of this "fake family clan" grew rich using their vast espionage network to blackmail other prominent merchants into giving them everything they have. They hoarded secret recipes, the rights to trading routes, confidential documents detailing the guard routines of fortified buildings...eventually taking over entire businesses under the guise of being a strong means of protection or money.

Then, after a few decades pass, they change their name, and fade into obscurity choosing a new area to suck dry of its resources before anyone even noticed anything amiss.

Azrael was pissed off!

He knows Miruku was never a good close combat fighter.

That one time after her manifestation was solely drawn up into fruition by her overwhelming grief and angered desperation to find Rasim...

Now as she was pinned down to the ground in a deadened alley with a demon threatening to take away everything that belonged to her...she felt weak.

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