Chapter 382: "...I sorta, stabbed Jinlong with his own sword." - Farouk

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Let's all strive to make this year better than the last!

Also just a heads up but I'm going to be starting a Masters Degree Program for Teaching this spring semester (January 11th to be exact) so if updates are spread out longer than usual just assume it's because of research assignments for my 2 Master level classes.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Within the Music Box Room created by Lucifer himself, Uriel is there in deep meditation as the Song of the Angels plays within his ears and calms his racing mind.

Rises the Moon ( - Liana Flores): by R3 Music Box

He's letting himself sink deeper into the melody. Letting it settle into his muscles, his blood, and his bones. Letting it flow through every cell and atom of his angelic body, sparking the neurons within the body's nervous system and brain that he feels its weight settling over his very soul. Each note is empowering him with energy.

It's a song all the angels of Heaven know by heart.

A song that is an incomplete masterpiece in his eyes. It's only incomplete when you're not witnessing the sight of Uriel dancing to the fading sun as it sinks beneath the clouds to welcome the light of the rising moon.

Therefore, when the song ends and slowly begins to play again he stands up within the empty room, summons his pair of Wind and Fire Wheels, and starts to dance with those identical sun shaped weapons.

It's a slow graceful dance, similar to tai chi and ballet.

It's the embodiment of him letting go of all his negative emotions that seek to blind his heart in sorrow and instead welcomes the peace of a calm mind to ward off any further pain for the soul.

He's also doing it all with his eyes closed.

Lucifer stands by the door and watches in silence as tears fall from his eyes. He never once imagined he'd get the chance to see this dance again. Not since before the Fall.

Uriel is in his own little world as he moves through the motions and glides through graceful spins and elegant leaps into a beautiful dance of rhythm and emotion.

It's a short but powerful performance that comes to an end with him abruptly falling down into a graceful seated lotus pose. He executes that singular fluid motion with the elegance of experienced dancer. He ends back where he started, sitting in the middle of the room with his weapons delicately poised on his lap.

He exhales a calming breath and opens his eyes to the surprised sight of his baby brother's presence in the room. His eyes give way to tears as his voice shudders with a sharp inhale.

"Ah—You didn't leave."

"No." Lucifer fiddles with the lapels of his musicians coat. "I didn't."

The smile lines on Uriel's face appear over hearing that. He looks at Lucifer with a fond smile on his as happy tears are slowly glide down his cheekbones to his chin as he whispers. "...I'm glad."

Lucifer sniffs at those words and hastily wipes his eyes with the heel of his palm.

"I...I never thought I'd get to see that dance again."

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now