Chapter 372: Clementine's day with the grandparents and Rosie

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The moment Alastor and Josephine left Clementine in the care of her grandparents, Rosie immediately took up the role of honorary aunt.

She carried Clementine around while chatting with the customers and distracting the infant with a flurry of marigold petals that flutter between her fingertips.

Rosie adores children and any chance she had to get a child to laugh she took it.

Abigail was busy with embroidering over the grinning face of Mammon on Clementine's newest Amaryllis plushy with a bright pink heart.

Amos played his guitar while sneaking fond glances at his adorable granddaughter.

Rosie adores seeing Clementine interact with the customers. Either by giggling at them, waving goodbye after they bought something, and babbling in baby gibberish. A few unlucky demons, who have the unfortunate blessing of peeking her curiosity, will find themselves being the victim of her unblinking eyes.

Rosie's counted, and the longest running time for her one-sided staring matches is over a minute and a half.

Amos always got a laugh over how quickly those demons paid for their clothing, or vacated the premise without buying anything.

It's a stare he's often seen his granddaughter use against Husker for his drinking problem...though during those instances she has her pacifier in her mouth and her daddy's shrunken down microphone in her little arms. Oftentimes treating the sentient microphone as though it were a plushy.

Amos laughs over the mental image of his one month old granddaughter's judgmental stare

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Amos laughs over the mental image of his one month old granddaughter's judgmental stare. While Abigail - who knows her husband's sense of humor - just rolls her eyes at him before returning to her embroidery.

The rhythmic stitching of the pattern that's being created from her sewing needle going through the fabric of Mammon's face, is cathartic for her.

Rosie always grins at Clementine's antics and boops her little nose and praises her for being a chaotic little gremlin.

Abigail finished with the embroidery of a bright pink heart on the Amaryllis plushy and took Clementine from Rosie so the skeleton demoness could get back to her duties as the manager of the emporium.

The store bell chimes and in walks Leonidas with a chuckling Rasim Najjar close behind.

Both demons are chatting away with broad smiles and hearty laughter.

"I'm surprised by you for joining Farouk in the teasing so early in the morning through that little group chat. I heard Imaad shouting at you all within my dreams and my dream self said: (🤬 it, they'll work it out for themselves)."

"Hahahahaha! I wasn't even there but I could practically see Farouk's panicking face so vividly within my mind that I almost dropped my Hellphone from laughing!"

Rosie smiled at the two demons and then fake coughed to get their attention.

"Erhm. Hello gentlemen." Her black eyes drifted towards Leonidas with a aura of a businesswoman.

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