Chapter 379: Mariya vs. Aikia

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Mariya was ready for anything as she spoke with Lilith.

"Lilith stay back and let me handle this for now. Be my eyes and ears alongside Dovev if you must, but don't fight him."

"Of course Vipera."

A cackling laugh entered their ears as Aikia pried himself out of the rubble.

"You're concerned for the wrong person here Queenie. It's the Arabian you should really be fighting to protect right now. Jinlong's ain't someone who makes empty threats. As much as I despise the guy, he doesn't hold back against his opponents in a fight. I would know."

Mariya scoffed as her chemicals poured out her palms to cover the room. "I bet you would Aikia..."

"You're the type to push your luck against superior opponents

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"You're the type to push your luck against superior opponents."

Aikia snarled and his body posture looked murderous.

His toxins dripped off his needlelike fingers of his left hand and sizzled the moment it reacted with Mariya's airborne chemicals.

Lilith is thankfully immune to Mariya's chemicals as she observes the waiting game between the two demons. Dovev is also immune to all manner of chemicals, toxins, poisons, and venom...considering the fact he's, the - really 🤬 old - serpent from the GARDEN OF's all pretty self explanatory.

When the chemicals cleared a little both demonic entities & Lilith saw how much Dovev's body size changed in the span of a few seconds. Dovev's massive body is only a 1/4th of his size, but the diameter of his girth is 70 inches as he's coiled himself into a protective barrier around Lilith.

His beady serpent eyes are staring Aikia down before showing his forked tongue to scent the air. Dovev's just waiting for the open opportunity to attack, but, he'll let Mariya have the right to challenge Aikia first.

Mariya readied herself for a fight as Aikia chuckles at the tension in her posture.

"Why so tense bitch? You worried?"

"You've tormented Farouk with the knowledge of your existence long enough Aikia, and now, I'm going to relish in taking you down."

"Ahhhh, so you must've been made aware of the little Butterfly's existence then?" He was smiling behind his mask. "Given the sharpness of your tone."

"Shut up Aikia."

"Ohhh, someone's feisty tonight. Good, the brat was like that too when he murdered me in cold blood..."

Mariya snarls. "Say Another Word About Him And I Swear I'll—!"

"Aren't you curious to learn about how I died? How he did it?"

"No. Your words are like poison."

"Hmmmm, fair enough. Although, Farouk looked like he was in denial the second I mentioned the boy to him. Hahaha and he was soooooo eager to clear his poor Captain's good name to the townspeople," Aikia lifted his head back and cackled, "that he never once questioned what was right in front of him!"

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