Chapter 297: Amos vs Rasim. A talk between Friends.

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Another short chapter for reasons being I wanted to give the big "Lovers talk" the moment it deserves.

Meanwhile enjoy the friendly sparring duel between friends and the tranquil sounds of a Dihua Flute.

After that shocking revelation from Miruku and the Death Angel, Amos took his leave from the awkwardness of Azrael's attempts at changing the subject.

He discreetly nodded towards both of the angelic brothers and after giving his beloved wife a kiss to the cheek and rubbing little Clementine's fuzzy ear to soothe her worries he left the ballroom.

He closed the door and closed his eyes as he fell into a meditative state and channeled his five senses. His fire powers swirled around inside of him over the turmoil of his friend was in as he pinpointed where Rasim had gone through scent alone. He opened his glowing neon eyes and headed towards the roof with silent footsteps.

The most noticeable aspect is that his face wasn't deteriorating when he walked past a mirror with his glowing neon eyes on full display.

Over the course of many months Amos has come to an epiphany. His meditative practices for fire control can not only be linked with his quest to manipulate and control the fire within his soul but the ravenous hunger of his Wendigo side. Fire is all consuming, his urge to eat and maim and slaughter when the scent of blood reaches his nose.

Balance and control is the key. Breath is essential for maintaining a calm center of mind and for fire manipulation it's imperative for avoiding the accidental burning of buildings and demons. It also applies to his Wendigo side. He can't stop himself from breathing but he can refocus his mind on what's important to him. His wife, his son and daughter-in-law, Clementine, Husker, Mimzy, Little Niffty, and the friends he's made in such a sort time. He will never lose control of himself if it means that he would ultimately hurt them. He also knows how heavily the mind can sink into such self deprecative thoughts and he owes it to Rasim to open his eyes to the truth of the situation.

That being angry is valid, but not for something that he had no control over. Miruku and Azrael were right it's in the past it wouldn't affect Miruku as heavily anymore because so much time has passed it's nothing more than a blemish to her mind. For Rasim to not even think things through before reacting negatively towards the woman he loves—hearing her words but not truly rationalizing it was one thing, but speaking to her in such a manner as he did without even noticing the grief it caused her is inexcusable.

Therefore it's Amos's roll as his friend to bring him down a peg or two and open his eyes to reality.

He opened the door to the roof and sighed as he saw Rasim angrily swinging his sword around in uncoordinated manner compared to his usually well executed attacks. Amos's eyebrow arched over the blade itself.

*A, now that's odd? Why isn't he using his Shamshir?*

Rasim swung his katana in a overhead attack with an angry yell clawing past his lips like a strangled animal. He lowered the katana but it wasn't like Rasim to lower his guard not even to rest. He was panting heavily but Amos knew his friend was far from exhaustion.

No, this is an unprecedented level of anger and self deprecation that's rolling off him in waves right now. Rasim's hands tightened around the handle as it lifted the moment he spoke in a angered arrogant tone

"Are you just going to stand there until the dawn rises in the east?" Rasim looked at him with a over the shoulder glare and scowled. "Or are you finally going to say something to me?"

His jaw was clenched and his hands loosened up slightly before gripping the handle over the irritation as Amos scoffed.

"Pfft," Amos shook his head with a humorless chuckle and walked out onto the rooftop with his hands in his pockets in a lackadaisical manner that would make Azrael smirk in pride. His glowing neon eyes were locked on how tense his friends body posture was at this present moment. "Well someone needs a douse of healing hugs from Clementine. Your tone is unbecoming of you Rasim. You're usually more considerate in how your words come across to other's. Less people consider you to be an arrogant bastard who fails to fully comprehend the hurtful qualities of his own poorly educated words."

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