Chapter 327: Put all the Horror Movies into a blender-now press purée.

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Nightmares: By WE ARE FURY

Me: "Hey Loa Kalfu I've got a question?...What happens when you put the twisted mind of Stephen King, the horror directing prowess of Tim Burton, the nightmarish world that is Freddy Kruger's dreamscape, and the bloody rain of Carrie into a blender and press purée?"

Loa Kalfu: "Why you get chaos and carnage my dear. Chaos, calamities of unspeakable horrors not fit for the eyes of mortal men, horrific bloodcurdling screams, multiple accounts of mass murder, and bloody bloody carnage! Heheh, what fun!"

Me: "............Okayyyyyy. Well here goes nothing I suppose?"


Within Dread Keep...

It's a madhouse of Halloween horror within the Dread Industries Headquarters Building.

No one is spared from the frightening things that appear from within the shadows not when Loa Kalfu's let out to play.

It should really come as no surprise that Kalfu's a true sadistic bastard when it comes of horror. He picked apart the quirks and fears of the inhabitants of Dread Keep over centuries of close observation and went full on Stephen King and Tim Burton on their asses! With a side serving of Freddy Kruger for nightmare fuel!

First he overrides the sound system to play his personal little playlist of horror movie soundtracks and only in certain areas and for certain demons does the music shift and follow them around from room to room where it slowly descends into chaos. For a touch of sweet nostalgia he pulls the switches and breaks off the knobs within the water treatment center and totally fryed the mainframe so no one can stop what's about to happen.

Carmilla is in the penthouse when the  music from Carrie starts to play before in starts dripping blood from the sprinkler system.


She looks at Draegan with wide eyes as he curses. "Oh 🤬."

Then the pressure is released and a torrent of blood is falling down onto the unsuspecting victims from the Headquarters sprinkler system.

Carmilla screams and it all spirals downhill from there.

Kalfu has already hacked into the IT centers motherboard system and is repeatedly locking and unlocking Black out of his own computer system with a psychotic little cackle as he runs through a playlist of songs on a stolen industry computer.

Meanwhile he unleashes his own shadowy army upon Dread Keep...

"Ǥø a̷n̷đ ħvɇ øm̷ɇ fᵾn̷."

Some demons panic and scream over the horrors they're being assaulted with on top of the blood rain from the sprinklers as their shadows attack them. Mostly by crawling out the walls floors and ceilings like an army of the undead from a Resident Evil which Xander's watched on repeat along with every horror movie ever made!

So much inspiration!

Carmilla's currently drenched in blood and screaming in a corner of the Penthouse suite from the haunting music torturing her mind.

(FYI: Apparently in the CIA, there is such a thing as musical torture...)

Meanwhile Draegan fights every shadow that comes charging at him while cursing at the insanity of it all.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now