Chapter 293: A gift for a dragon; a Clockmaker swears to secrecy.

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Edward Cogsworth is a demon of mystery. Like all demons he has his secrets and holds them tightly to his chest. He knows when to speak and when to stay silent.

The melodrama with the young Draconian Prince and the Archangel's is nothing knew to him. He's already figured that out and he finds it amusing how surprised the Archangel siblings were to his knowledge of the truth of Acheron and the parentage of the Dread Siblings.

He tinkers away at the clockwork of a stubborn cuckoo clock within his clockmakers shop he looks up and grins when the bell above the door chimes.

"You sure Eli?"

"The sign says open Aci. No chickening out now that we're here."

His blue glass eyes glowed with a mechanical lights as his mechanical eyelids blinked at the sight of Amelia Faulkner dragging in the Butterfly son of the Najjar's. He can see through that cleverly fabricated illusion given his eyes and the powers that he has at his disposal. Keen eyesight when you're a clockmaker and toy maker comes in handy. He's been observantly keeping an eye out for the boy since he first got informed of him in a passing remarks decades ago about the blue butterflies that liked to linger around the Hellish begonias outside of his toy shop.

"Ah Ms. Faulkner I presume?"

Amelia froze and Cogsworth saw how the young man pulling her closer towards him with a stern glare in his direction.

Amelia froze and Cogsworth saw how the young man pulling her closer towards him with a stern glare in his direction

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The young man then pulled her behind him as he readied his fighting stance to attack or defend at a moments notice. Cogsworth suppressed a snickered laugh as the young man grabbed the closest object in his vicinity...a shabby old umbrella. The young man stared at the umbrella and shrugged his shoulders before he held it like a deadly weapon.

Given the nonchalant attitude Cogsworth has no doubt in his geared mind that this demon boy could find a way to use that umbrella as a weapon if given a good enough reason...

The young demon's eyes narrowed as he growled a warning. Beneath the illusion Cogsworth's glass blue eyes saw the cerulean cloak changing to crimson, black, and grey.

"How the 🤬 do you know her name?"

Cogsworth chuckled. "It's always pleasure meeting a fellow soul with a knack for tinkering at machinery. Sir Pentious speaks highly of you over our tea time chats Ms. Faulkner. After all we Brits have to stick together."

Cogsworth's golden bronze colored mustache tweaked upwards in a knowing smirk. "I take it this is the mysterious young scoundrel absconding with your innocence?"

Aciano's faced flushed as did Amelia's.

Aciano snarled. "I'm turning that 🤬 snake into a snakeskin purse next time I see him!"

Amelia glowered. "Get in line."

Aciano's head turned to her with a challenging gaze which she matched and Aciano flinched and cleverly conceded.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now