Chapter 328: "Why do you fear the Bloodred Butterfly, Blackie?" - Loa Kalfu

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Black was playing the cello deep within the basement of the Headquarters Building when suddenly he stopped on an abrupt low G note over a sudden sound.

Black was incapable of feeling a cold chill running down his spine but he still shivered over the sound of a creepy child singing...

Given his past with Aciano—there is nothing good that will come from a creepy child singing...

He set the instrument aside and stood up from his chair within an isolated room in the basement where the acoustics were at their most sublime.

If it's also the room primarily used for a musical torture fit for the CIA,'s only fitting that Kalfu has some fun tormenting Ol' Blackie.

Black's surveillance sensors were suddenly triggered in every facet of the Headquarters Building.

When he taped into the IT department's mainframe system from the computer programed within his right arm, he saw numerous shadowy minions making a mockery out the Headquarters building.

He just as he's about to yell at Jayr Aikia for the unnecessary damages done towards Jinlong's sector of management, his voice died on his tongue. He turned mute the moment his eyes locked onto the twisted smile of Loa Kalfu grinning at him from one of the camera screens within a darkened hallway.

A single twirl of that fancy shadow cane and Black found himself being abruptly kicked out of his own system by Kalfu!

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A single twirl of that fancy shadow cane and Black found himself being abruptly kicked out of his own system by Kalfu!

"What in the—?"

Every time he tried to hack back into his own heavily guarded mainframe he was greeted by Kalfu's menacing grin staring back at him through every surveillance camera his cybernetic eyes taped into.

Then—the lights were cut.

He's in total darkness, as is the rest of Dread Industries.

"Well that's just grand..." Thankfully his cybernetic eyes are programmed with military grade night vision lenses.

Black got to work and was quickly able to turn on the lights on to the dimmed setting used primarily for the days when Draegan has a monster migraine and can't bother to take a break worth shit.

Those days are always a monumental pain for Black to deal with.

As much as he respects Draegan, his boss has a terrible habit of working himself into a bloody migraine and ultimately makes it everyone else's problem.

Much like a moody teenager...but he dared not say that out loud.

Naturally given the state of things though, it's still not ideal.

Black pulled out a set of revolvers and approached the door.

It opens slowly and he's greeted not to a dimly lit slate grey corridor, but to a dimly lit sterile white walled corridor!

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now