Chapter 370: "Shattered glasses = Shattered mind. Avoid both Raziel." - Raphael

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The sound of two foghorns shattered the fragile peace within the bedroom belonging to the Archangel of Secret Knowledge and Hidden Mysteries.

"GRAH! Oh What In Heavens Name Is Wrong Now?"

Raziel immediately checked if he drooled on his to-do list that's next to his pillow and groaned at the water stains on the paper.

Raziel immediately checked if he drooled on his to-do list that's next to his pillow and groaned at the water stains on the paper

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Raziel then turned his head to glare at the foghorn perpetrators. He had been rudely woken up, for no reason whatsoever, by his pet birds.

The sentient ink birds are not only his unlimited supply of ink, but are also his emotional support birds - and his personal alarm clock.

He swears on his Father's Holy Name that Azrael has bribed his birds into becoming the equivalent of a foghorns in the morning.

Despite the fact that his brain is never truly idle, he was still able to slow down the other parts of the brain that aren't heavily involved with sleep to do their own things while he takes a necessary nap.

It also helps that his brain is hardwired like a library cataloguing system and that sorting everything out while he's not even mentally awake to function is child's play for someone like him.

No one can blame Raziel for his morning irritation though. It's been a tiring last few days after what happened before and especially after Halloween.

His head was hurting more than usual since the moment Azrael came back with Michael and Micah. It's gotten worse since he's been forced to watch how Raphael's tiptoed around Azrael to the point that his younger brother is the one seeking him out to talk about how he can get through to Raphael about their feelings and not the other way around.

It's maddening because Raphael's never in Heaven nowadays.

As usual, Raziel is the one that Azzy always goes to annoy with his constant mind throbbing questions. And when he does, Raziel get's even more grouchy than ever, his younger brother should know not to act this way around him! Yet he still continues to act like a brat.

Still, irritations aside, Raziel adores his baby brother to bits.

Right now, however, he's glaring at his little brother over being woken up from his well deserved nap to find Azrael standing in his room wearing earmuffs and a smug little grin on his face.

Raziel grumbles into a sneer. "Your stupidity astounds our Father himself little brother." He got up and dressed for the remainder of the day. "Before you say anything, the answer to your question is quite obvious."

Azrael glared at him. "Just tell me Raziel!"

"No because you have to learn to read the room Azrael. I'm a very irritable Archangel at the moment thanks to your impromptu wake-up call, and I'm suffering from a headache and ringing ears. Now if you'll be so kind as to get out of my room. I must get back to my work."

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