Chapter 383: ...Jinlong's Gone Feral... Part 1

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One Punch Warrior: by Steve Syz - Atom Music Audio

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The memory in the light orb started the second Jinlong sent Farouk (and Naga) flying through the ceiling of the hookah bar by the powerful wack to the chin by an umbrella. Farouk's body slammed into the street outside creating a sizable crater on impact.

The suddenness of it got many denizens out on the streets and within surrounding buildings to scream or yell obscenities in shock, only to immediately fall quiet the second Jinlong leaps out of the hole in the roof and gracefully lands on the street in a acrobatic roll before doing the classic superhero landing pose.

(Authors Note: Just think of Black Widow's superhero landing.)

He stood up and held his closed umbrella in front of him like it was a sword.

"I am truly sorry about what I have to do to you Farouk. Truly I am. It's nothing personal, and I can assure you that I will take no pleasure in doing this to's just part of the job."

Farouk pried himself out of the body shaped crater in the street and wipes the blood from his lips. He huffs with a slight pained grunt as his skull fractures repair themselves alongside the various other fractured bones throughout his body. It's times like these he's grateful for a faster healing process as compared to others.

Naga had unfortunately taken it upon himself to cushion Farouk's neck with his own body coiled around his neck like brace. Despite saving him from a broken neck, Farouk knew his scaly companion couldn't have gone through that whole ordeal with the ground unscathed.

He had to get Jinlong away from here. So he steeled himself for the inevitable and took a page out of the twins book and taunted Jinlong.

"Oh? So whatever happened to you not being a pawn in Draegan's game huh?" Farouk slowly reaches for one of his hidden knives and wraps his fingertips around the handle. "Cuz the way you're talking about all this, makes you no better than a snarling attack dog in my eyes."

Jinlong's jaw clenches into a sneer as his eyes narrow, only to immediately turn into a look of indifference as he deftly catches a throwing knife between his index and middle finger.

"A throwing knife." Jinlong gives Farouk a truly (Azrael worthy) deadpanned stare. "Really? Is that really the best you could come up with?"

Farouk was kneeling when he threw that knife and huffs as he suddenly has to catch his breath. A rib shifted painfully during the healing process. "No...but..." He gives a slight grimace then shrugs, "I figured what the heck right? I'd might as well try it." He staggers into a standing position before summoning his knife back.

He smirks as he then summons a ball of his flames within his left hand

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He smirks as he then summons a ball of his flames within his left hand.

He smirks as he then summons a ball of his flames within his left hand

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