Chapter 280: A hunt for a chemical killer...takes a startling turn.

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Farouk's having a Hellish day. First he had to wrangle Leonidas into bed after involuntarily pulling an all nighter at the Community Center. Getting a feral growling Leo to nap willingly after someone endangers those daycare kiddos is like trying to skin a live cat—You can't do it unless you have Imaad and a strong enough judo chop to the neck to fell the Lion.

Then Farouk had to watch that hell-raising performance by Fink and that psychopathic Loa he refused to call by name.

Then he's laughing over the radio station playing a couple of new songs and it doesn't take Farouk more than a second to realize who was all singing and his laughter didn't even rouse Leonidas.

Leonidas is currently knocked out on the couch at the island blissfully unaware of anything that's happening outside of dreamland.

Farouk's sighed in defeat as they are out of coffee. Apparently today's gonna be one of those days.

He left to deal with the remainder of the fallout from that meeting Frederick was dragged into with Lucifer by a livid Mariya...

She was not happy to hear that the former Overlord of her chemical factory was in fact alive and aligned himself with Draegan, which means that his soul is unable to be viewed. Meaning: his actions are virtually unknown to Lucifer and Frederick.

The Death Pigeon—as 🤬 usual—was going to be of no help whatsoever to Farouk and he's still not trusting the Warrior Archangel.

So he can't turn to them for help because he knows the answers to that nagging question.

He also knows that if he see's that Warrior Archangel...he's likely going to punch the smug bastard in the face or die trying. So he avoided the hotel. He also knows better than to piss off Miruku or Abigail.

Farouk's expertly hidden from view as he's lurking in the alcove of the elaborate roofline decorations for the entry gate for Envy's bustling black market district. He's been staring at copies of business transactions Frederick gave him. The originals are disposed of and all written by this mystery Overlord.

For eight hours last night Farouk has been staring down at these copies starting after the moment he should've been helping Leo relax and not pull another likely all nighter with Vincenzo again. The documents recorded the business transactions that Overlord made since the moment the bastard opened up residence in that particular region of Envy.

The pages were heavily damaged by fire and other chemical compounds that miraculously caused the fibers to not immediately disintegrate into ash with the slightest contact.

He's managed to convince Imaad into restoring it and despite the missing pieces and holes in the fragile documents he got a pretty good reasoning on why these were burned so heavily. He gave them to Freddy to look over only to get them back and knew that Freddy was stumped.

Two minutes later and he walked up to Freddy and gloated. "So much for that keen intelligence you always say you have Freddy. I already cracked it before I even gave you those back three minutes ago. Sure he wrote in Grecian but if you looked closer you'd have seen the signs of a coded message of Grecian that also been split. Those multiple unintelligible lines are only understandable once you change it to Arabic. Then it goes back to Grecian and interchanges between the two languages at random. It's 🤬 brilliant and infuriating for someone like you to decipher with your vast knowledge clogging up your brain. But don't worry I'm not going to outsmart you—oh wait, I just did!"

He then jumped out of Freddie's window before Frederick Von Eldritch could strangle him for that smug remark.

"Hahaha it's a pleasure as always Freddy!"

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