Chapter 3- The Ink Demon/Leaving

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((EDITED 12/10/22))


Bendy and the Ink Demon are not the same person in this book!

Henry POV
I flinched as the big thing put it's hand on my shoulder. It's voice was so was inky and cold... "I-Inky!" Bendy squeaked out as he reached out for the big thing. "N-No Bendy! I don't know who that is! You can't just-"

I was cut off by the thing grabbing me by the throat and turning me around. I stared at them. They were so tall, maybe 8-9 feet? They had the same looks of Bendy. Ink dripping from their face and body. Their devilish smile as I could tell they were staring straight through my soul. "I said...Give me my baby brother..." They growled. I sighed. I handed them Bendy and they took him.

Bendy giggled, he was like a little cute and innocent...why would Joey do this?

"I am uhm...sorry for taking your, Brother...I found him locked in a cage and bleeding a lot...I'm guessing...Joey did this?" I asked. The ink demon nodded. "Yes...He seems to think he's better then everyone else...killing the workers was one of the things, hurting Bendy is another...he wouldn't dare to cross paths with me, but he always seems to know when I'm away before he hurts Bendy..." They said. I raised a brow. "Wait...'Killed the workers'? He told me they 'disappeared'!" I protested. The ink demon shook his head. "He's playing you, Henry...just like he played everyone else...we are all is puppets on strings...sadly we cannot fight against it..." They said. Bendy nodded sadly in agreement.

I sighed as I crossed my arms. "I'm getting you guys out of here...starting with you two..." I said. "What about the rest!? Your house is so far away!" The demon protested. "I know....I'll take you guys with me and then...I'll find a way to get the rest..." I said. Bendy smiled happily. The Ink demon was still a bit unsure. "It's good for bendy and it's good for you too! Uhm...though what is your name?" I asked. "Inky..." The Ink Demon (Inky) said.

I smiled, but that smile faded once the door slammed open, revealing a very angry, Joey. "I told you to leave, Henry!? Gosh! Now I have to kill you as well!" Joey growled. Inky handed me Bendy and turned around. "You won't be killing anybody today, Drew...if anyone is going to's going to be you...!" Inky hissed as Joey backed away. "Henry...take Bendy to your car and get him ready...I'll fight off, Joey!" Inky said as they unsheathed their claws. Joey sighed and put his hands up. "Just career is gone...everything is gone...might as well leave me as well..." He mumbled. Inky nodded as Henry ran out with Bendy. "Joey...if you didn't want this future...then you would have been a better person...I'm coming back for the others later...if you touch them...I'll peacefully tears off your limbs!" Inky said as a threat as they left to go to, Henry.

I sighed as I sat in my car, I just got Bendy buckled in the backseat. I was now waiting for, Inky. I yelped when Inky opened my car door. "Boo~" They laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Just get in!" I said. They nodded and got in the car. "I'm impressed...your car allows me to sit comfortably without having to bend down because of my height..." Inky said. I smiled. "Yep! I adjusted the seat so you could sit comfortably!" I said. Inky nodded. "Thanks I guess..." They mumbled. "You're welcome!"

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