Chapter 90- Playtime with Sammy

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Norman POV

I groaned as I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. Tomas insisted that I stayed in bed due to my injuries. I sighed and sat up. 'I wonder where Sammy is...'

I stood up and limped over to the door. I peaked out of it and saw no one out there. "Phew..." I said with relief as I opened the door, walking out into the hallway. I quickly limped through the hall, looking for my brother.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard talking. It sounded like Sammy's voice. It was coming from the cartoons room? I opened the door slightly and peaked in. I smiled when I saw them all playing.

I opened the door and walked inside. Sammy shot his head towards me. "Norman! What are you doing out of bed! You have injuries!"

"So do you!" I protested. Sammy rolled his eyes and sighed. "What are you guys doing anyways?" I asked. Alice smiled and stood up. "We're playing with Sammy! He's a mermaid!" She said. I coughed out a laugh. "Mermaid?" I snorted. Sammy growled. "Merman for correction!" He huffed.

I smiled and sat down beside him. Sammy looked away. "You take things to seriously..." I mumbled. Sammy growled. "Do not!" He spat. I rolled my eyes.

Alice giggled. "You wanna play as well, Norman?" She asked. "Who would I be?" I asked. "A mermaid hunter!"

Sammy glared at her, I snorted. "Sure~ I'll be the "mermaid" Hunter." I teased. Sammy growled. "Don't you dare."

I smirked. Sammy backed away as I turned to him. "With all the power the mighty gods have given me! I shall hunt this mermaid! For sport!" I said, a smirk on my face. Alice laughed as I pounced at, Sammy. I then started tickling him. Sammy squirmed and laughed/screamed, trying to kick me off of him. "N-NO! S-Stop!" He laughed out. I grinned and stopped. "Mermaid captured!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now