Chapter 78- Red Ink

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Henry POV

I sighed as I laid my head back on Inky's chest. "Do you think the toons are okay?" I asked. Inky nodded. "Their fine, Henry..." Inky said with a purr. I smiled. "I'm going to go get my phone from the bathroom."

Inky nodded as I stood up and ran to the bathroom. I shut the door and looked around for my phone. I found it and grabbed it, but stopped when I noticed my hand. "Oh now..." I mumbled as I stared down at my red inked hand. "INKY!" I shouted in panic. Inky then ran in, but stopped at the door frame when they saw me. "I-Is it starting?" I asked as I looked up at them. They nodded slowly and backed away. "I'm sorry...I have to lock you in here!" They said as they ran out, closing the door and locking it. "It's for the best..."

(IM SORRY IT'S SHORT- I'm running out of motivation for this book and I'm trying to gain it back...but it's hard bc I'm working on this other book...I'm still going to write in just might go down to 1 chapter a day instead of 2 or more!)

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now