Chapter 71- The Little Devil Has A Crush

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Bendy POV

I yawned as I sat up in my crib. Alice and Boris now had Inky's old room since they sleep with papa Henry now...Bertrum and Lacie split in the living room.

I groaned as I stood up, trying with all my might to get out of my crib. Henry eventually stirred awake and sat up. He looked over to me and yawned. "Bendy? What are you doing? It's still nighttime..." He mumbled. I whimpered and sat down. "I wanna go see the other toons..." I mumbled. Although I was really wanting to see, Alice.

Henry smiled and stood up. He walked over to my crib and picked me up. Henry then set me down on the floor and crawled back into bed. "Go have fun...but come to me if anything bad happens..." He mumbled, rolling over to face, Inky.

I smiled wildly and ran out of the room to go see, Alice. But there was just one problem. Alice's door was closed. And I was too small to reach the doorknob. I whimpered in defeat and sat down on the floor. Suddenly the door handle rattled. I stared up at it and tilted my head.

The door then opened to reveal, Alice. She looked down at me, confused. "Bendy? Why are you sitting there? Why are you not in bed?" She asked. "I..I wanted to see you!" I mumbled. Alice smiled and knelt down. "Okay...I'll go get me a cup of water and how about you go find something to play with in my room?"

"Okay!" I said as I ran past Alice, into her room. I saw Boris sleeping on the floor. He was curled into a ball, his tail wagging. I smiled and looked around. I decided to just sit beside Boris and pet him.

Boris jolted awake and stared at me. "Hey Boris!" I said. He tilted his head and smiled. I then realized he couldn't talk and smiled.

(This font "hi" means sign language. But if it has an ' in front of it, then it's in their mind.)

I looked up at Boris. Hi Boris! I forgot you couldn't speak...sorry, bud... I said in sign language. Boris smiled and nodded. It's okay!

I smiled back and hugged him. He hugged me back. Alice then walked in and smiled. "Awe~" She said, taking a sip of her water. I blushed and jumped back. Boris gave me a smirk and rolled his eyes. You have a crush on her, eh?

I widened my eyes. "N-NO! OF COURSE NOT!" I shouted. Boris let out a snort and nodded sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and covered my face, trying my best to hide the blush. Alice walked over to me and sat down beside me. "Of course not what, Bendy?" She asked. I blushed harder if that's even possible and looked away from her. "N-Nothing!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now