Chapter 45- Susie And Norman

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

Sammy POV

I groaned in pain as I rolled over towards, Norman. He was passed out. I sighed, sitting up. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. "3AM...Ugh!" I groaned as I threw my phone to the end of my bed. I then heard knocking at my bedroom door. I coughed and smirked. 'Imma act like I'm terribly ill~'

(Dude- you are-)

I laid down and pulled the blanket up to my chest. "W-Who's *Cough* there?" I asked, a grin on my face. "S-Sammy! It's me, Susie! I wanted to see if you were okay..." She mumbled. I rolled my eyes and went back to my act. "Susie...I...*cough*...I feel...sick..." I whimpered. She then punched the door open and came in like freakin sonic. Norman shot up and stared at her in anger. I snickered under the sheets.

"SUSIE CAMPBELL!? GET THE -BLEEP- OUT OF MY ROOM!?" Norman shouted. Susie growled. "Sammy is sick though!" She said. Norman growled. "Get. Out." He spat. I huffed and put my arms around him. "Teddy..." I mumbled. Norman stared at me, concerned. "Don't look at me like that!" I huffed. He rolled his eyes and focused on Susie again. "You're going to wake the whole house up!" He said. Susie groaned. "YOU already did that!"

"WELL, MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T BARGE INTO MY ROOM WITHOUT PERMISSION, THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED!?" He yelled. I knew Henry was awake by now, because I heard his door open. Henry sighed and walked into the room. "What the hell is going on?" He asked in a calm tone. "Sammy said he felt sick to I came it to help him!" Susie whined. "Susie...I think Norman can deal with his own brother..." Henry said. Susie huffed. "Norman...why are you yelling?"

"She barged in here without permission and slammed the door shut!" Norman complained. I was literally just snuggling onto his waist. "Okay...everyone back to bed...If you continue this, Inky will have to come deal with you two...I suggest you don't make them so that..." Henry mumbled, walking away. Susie huffed and left the room.

I stared up at Norman who was staring down at me. "Do you need anything before I do back to sleep?" He asked. I shook my head and smiled as I laid my head down on his chest. Norman smiled and ruffled my hair as he and I both fell asleep.

(GOSH- why do I make Norman and Sammy seem like a ship in this book- I mean...the ship is cute...but in this book they are brothers- DAMN MY WRITING-)

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