Chapter 34- The Plan (2)

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

Henry POV

I looked over at Tom who was now in his Cartoon form. He was moving Wally and Buddy to the top of the stairs so it was safer. Norman was waking Sammy up so he could come with us or stay behind. I sighed and looked at Allison. "I...I don't don't know how to do this, Allison...I...I need to save" I asked. She shrugged. "I don't know, Henry...but we will find a way...we always do...especially're very smart when it comes to these things!" Allison said with a smile. I nodded and smiled back.

I walked over to, Norman. "He's not dead yet...but he's out cold...I don't think it will be safe for him to come with us..." I explained. Norman sighed and nodded. "Write him a note, I'll carry him to Wally and Buddy." Norman said as he climbed up the stairs. I nodded and grabbed out a piece of paper, writing down stuff. I had collected paper from my old work desk just in case of emergencies like this. I sighed and handed it to, Tom. He nodded and walked back up the stairs.

Allison looked at me. "What's the plan, Henry?" She asked I sighed. "Find Joey...have him tell us where Inky and a Bendy are...then find a way to save them..." I said as I looked up the stairs. Allison nodded. "Let's get going then!" She said. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah...let's go..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now