Chapter 27- Missing

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((EDITED 12/12/22))

Henry POV

I Yawned as I sat up, stretching out my arms. I looked around and noticed Inky and Bendy are no where in sight. I thought for a moment. 'That's Suspicious...'

I stood up and walked out of the room. I saw everyone...except them... "Uh...Guys? Have you seen Inky or Bendy around?" I asked. Buddy looked at me. "Nope! None of them came out of your room..." He said. I started to grow more and more panicked. 'This wasn't right...something was wrong...B-'


'Omg...Bendy's Vision...JOEY FREAKIN TOOK THEM!?'

I was beyond angry. I looked at everyone who was staring at me. "Joey...Bendy had that vision about, Joey...He must've came when everyone was asleep and took them..." I mumbled. Wally stood up. "Well, that's Suspicious! I'm outta here!" He said as he started to walk off. Shawn then grabbed him. "Sit, Wally. No hiding now." He said. Wally sighed and nodded, sitting next to, Shawn.

"We have to go find them! So who's coming with me?" I asked. "Well it depends on how much your car holds..." Susie mumbled. "6 seats available..." I said.

Tom and Allison stood up. "We will go! Tom has a metal arm and I have a sword!" Allison said. I nodded. "Go get ready!" I said. They nodded and ran to their room. Sammy looked away, clearly hiding something from us. Norman thought for a moment. "I can stun people with my projector screech...Sammy can do...other valuable things..." Norman mumbled. I nodded. "Get ready..." I said. Sammy huffed and glared at, Norman. "Oh quit being a baby!" He said as he and Sammy walked to their room.

"Me and Wally will go too!" Buddy said. Wally nodded in agreement. "A-Are you guys sure?"

"Yep! More then ever! But if I see, Joey...I'm outta here!" Wally said. I chuckled. "okay then...go get ready! The rest of you, make yourselves at home and wait for the arrival of us!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now