Chapter 50- Green Ink

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

Henry POV

I walked outside into the backyard and groaned. "I can't just let him die! Not under my watch!" I shouted. I then sat down in the grass and closed my eyes. I was trying to figure out how to control these powers. 'Were these powers only useful when needed? Or could I learn how to play with them...?'

I sighed and screamed in frustration. I punched the ground and growled. "You need to get your anger under control, Henry..." Said a voice inside my head. I opened my eyes and looked around to see, Tomas in the distance. He was planting what seemed to be flowers. "Tomas? D-Did you say that?" I asked. Tomas looked over to me and tilted his head. "Said what?"

"You said something about my anger..." I mumbled. His eyes widened. "H-How...I said that in my mind! Wh-" He suddenly stopped and stared at me in slight fear. "H-Henry...your...your Golden eye turned green..." He mumbled. I stared at him and stood up. "So that's what this power does...b-But why did Sammy say that reading minds would help him?" I asked. Tom shrugged. "Maybe you can talk to the dead too?" He suggested.

I gasped and ran inside the house, I ran into Norman's room and stared at him. "Norman! I know what this power can do! I want to test it on, Sammy! I need to test it on him!" I said. Norman nodded and placed Sammy down in front of him on the bed. I sat next to Sammy and laid a hand on his chest, closing my eyes.

I felt an odd atmosphere as I closed my eyes. I my mind...anything I said was only in my mind, not in the outside world.

"S-Sammy?" I asked. I heard a gasp and an excited squeal. "Henry! You figured it out! You figured out how to use the green ink!" A voice said. It sounded like, Sammy. "Sammy? Is that you?" I asked. "Yes! It's me, Henry!"

(The conversation ahead will have an "S" in front of it if Sammy. And an "H" in front of it if Henry! It won't have what they are doing! You will see!)

H- "W-What did you mean when you told me this would save you?"
S- "It will in a way! I can now tell you how to help me!"
H- "Oh...I guess that makes sense..."
S- "Mhm! Now listen closely...I'm immune to the Blue ink...don't even try it! Now...what I want you to do is to give Norman a sleeping pill. He needs to sleep through this..."
H- "Noted."
S- "Then you will bring my body to the Ink machine at the studio. Don't infect it with the ink. Just place me down 6 feet away from the machine and turn it on. It won't infect me, but it will make me regain life."
H- "Okay...then what?"
S- "I won't have my will have to do something separate for it before we go back! In order to give it back, you have to have Inky fight me. Not kill me, but closely kill me. Once I fall I will regain my memories through falling and feeling the weakness I felt from the Ink Poison..."
H- "That do you know this?"
S- "I know a lot more then you do about that ink Henry...I may not have it...I may not know how it works more then you do...but I know what each ability does...and I...I just know this will work! Trust me..."
H- "Okay...I will go now...I'll talk to you again at the studio..."
S- "Mkay! Bai!"

Back into reality!

I gasped and smiled. "I know what I have to do!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now