Chapter 112- Switching Sides

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Character death

Audrey POV
I clenched my fist and turned around. I saw the inky demon by their little brother. They looked scared. I sighed and walked over to them. Joey was talking to Jack about some stupid thing. I stood in front of the two and looked down. "What do you want? I thought I told you to free him." The ink demon growled. I sighed. "I...I want to...join you..." I mumbled. They looked surprised. "Join me?" They asked. I looked at my hands. "I want to help you defeat my father. I...I..." I noticed a wet substance coming from my eyes. It fell into the palms of my hands. The ink demon sighed, standing up. They held out their hand. I looked at them, hesitantly. "I'll give you a chance. This doesn't mean I trust or like you." They said. I smiled and nodded, grabbing their hand. "I'm Inky by the way..." They said. I nodded. "You already know my name..."

"Mhm. Now let's go kick some old man's butt." Inky growled. I nodded, smiling. We both walked over to, Joey. Joey looked to me and, Inky. "I see you're switching sides. Pathetic." He spat. I growled. "Yeah? So what? What are you gonna do about it?" I asked. Joey smirked. "Go on, Jack. Show them." Joey said. Jack then grabbed me from behind. I screamed in surprise. He put a knife up to my throat, narrowing his eyes. Inky growled. "Let. Her. Go."

"Make me." Jack smirked. I whimpered then thought for a moment. I smirked when an idea came to mind. I held out my hand for Inky to grab. Luckily they grabbed it. I then sent all of my golden ink power into him. They then transformed into something much scarier. (The batdr ink demon design) Inky yelped in surprise to the sudden power burst, but then snickered. "I like your thinking." They said. I smiled. "Glad you do. Now finish him!" Inky nodded. "Ay ay captain~"

Inky turned to face Joey, their tail wagging. "Any. Last. Words~?" Inky purred, growling. "I will be back. You'll see! Next time I'll be stronger and I'll get what I want!" Joey growled. Inky rolled their eyes and punched, Joey, throwing him to the ground. Inky then pounced at him, ripping him apart.

I looked away, not wanted to see my fathers death. Inky then walked up to me and, Jack. "Let her go if you know what's best for you." They spat. Jack whimpered and let me go, me falling to the ground. I gasped for air as Jack ran off.

Inky kneeled down to me. "You good?" They asked. I smiled and nodded. "I'm fine...thank you..." I mumbled. Inky nodded. They then crawled over to Henry, making sure he was okay. I panted and sighed. Today sure was something.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now