Chapter 68- Getting The Instruments

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Henry POV

I sighed as I sat down on the bench of the piano. "How are we going to fit all the instruments into the car with a bunch of people?" I asked, clearly stressed out. Inky sighed and turned into their human form. "Maybe I could take the inky toons and you could take, Lacie and Bertrum?"

"How would that work though?" I asked. "I can teleport with ink toons to any destination pretty much...just like last time! And then you only need one seat up in the back for one of the two, and the other one will sit in the passenger seat." Inky explained. I shrugged. "I guess that could help me move these instruments into my car."

Inky nodded and stood up with me doing the same. "You grab the piano bench, I'll grab the actual piano." Inky said, turning into his demon form. I nodded and grabbed the bench, heading to the car. Inky picked up the piano and followed me.

"Put it in the trunk." I said as I opened the trunk to my car. Inky nodded and placed the piano carefully into the trunk. I placed the bench in and sighed. "That's the only big instrument, the rest are small." Inky said. I nodded and walked inside, Inky behind me.

Bendy POV

I watched as Henry and Inky both lifted up instruments and placed them into the trunk. "Sammy and his stupid instruments..." I groaned. Alice giggled. "Agreed...that music director would marry this instruments if he could..." Alice said. I nodded in agreement.

Boris was sleeping on the floor, curled into a ball. Lacie and Bertrum were talking. I swear they never broke up-

I looked over to Alice and smiled. "Hey, Alice! I need to tell you something!" I said, a smirk on my face. She tilted her head in question. "Yes?"

"Did you know that Inky and Henry are together~" I said. Her eyes lit up. "Omg! They are!? That's so cute!" Alice squealed. I smiled and laughed a bit at her reaction. "A...Are you dating anyone?" I asked, a thin layer of blush covering my face. Alice smiled and shook her head. "Nope! I'm as single as I can be!"

I smiled and looked away. "Okay guys! It's time to go home!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now