Chapter 99- Rubber Ducky

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Henry POV

I sighed as I sat at the end on the bed. Inky was curled into a ball, still fast asleep. I smiled at them and stood up. 'I should go see Bendy, I haven't talked to him in a little bit' I thought to myself.

I walked out of my room and carefully closed the door, making sure not to wake up, Inky. I walked down the hallway and stopped at the toons room. I laid a soft knock on the door. "Come in!" Said Alice. I smiled and did so. Alice looked up at me, Boris doing the same. "Oh shoot- I mean- Hi Henry!" Alice said with an innocent impression. She was clearly hiding something behind her and Boris. "Hello, Alice, Boris. Have you seen, Bendy anywhere?"

"Nope! No where at all!" She said. Boris shook his head. I stared at her, knowing she was hiding something. "Alice, I'll give you til the count of three to tell me where he is, got it?" I said as a minor threat. She stared up at me, gulping. "One..." I started. Boris wagged his tail, panicked. "Two..." I continued. Alice whimpered. "Thr-"

"HERE! He's right here!" Alice shouted, moving out of the way to reveal, Bendy. But he wasn't in his normal clothing, he was wearing a tutu. I snickered as Bendy huffed and crossed his arms. "I hate you guys..." He mumbled. Alice giggled and Boris barked. I sighed. "Alright guys...who wants baths?"

"Me!" Bendy said, running over to me and grabbing onto my leg. Alice and Boris looked at each other. "A bath?" She asked. I then remembered they didn't know what a bath was. Bendy looked up at me then to her. "I got this, papa!" He said before walking over to them.

Bendy cleared his throat before smiling. "A bath is a huge tub with water and bubbles! But Alice you will have to wash yourself!" Bendy said. Alice tilted her head. "Why is that?" She asked. "Cause your a girl! Duh!" Bendy said. Alice looked at the ground. "Oh- right!"

"Don't worry, Alice. Susie or Allison can bath you." I said. Alice looked to me. "But what bath will they use?" She asked. I smiled. "I have two bathrooms! One in my room, one in the hall. You get the one in the hall since it's only you." I explained. She nodded and ran to get one of the girls to help her. I looked down to the other two and signaled them to follow me.

I lead them to my bathroom and closed the door. Luckily Inky was still sleeping.

-After He Put Them Both In The Tub-

Bendy laughed and splashed around, getting the bathroom floor wet. "Bendy! You're going to flood the whole bathroom, I swear-" I mumbled. Bendy smiled. "Sorry, papa!" He apologized. Boris was unsure about how he felt with the water. He seems to like it a little bit, so that's good.

"You want some bath toys?" I asked. Bendy nodded repeatedly. Boris nodded in agreement. I smiled and went to grab some bath toys. I grabbed a rubber ducky and a few other ones. I placed the toys in the bathtub and smiled. "There ya go!" I said. Bendy and Boris smiled and played with the toys, of course still splashing.

Suddenly Inky skid through the wall, jumped onto the tub ledge, grabbed the ducky with their mouth, and then skid back out through the wall.

I blinked a few times, unsure of what just happened. "That was weird..." Bendy mumbled. Boris nodded in agreement. "Yeah...let's get you guys washed."

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