Chapter 47- Time Skip

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

(I'm time skipping this 2 months bc I have no ideas for the chapters until this one! I may do some chapters if I get ideas! Maybe they will be called "flashbacks"? Don't worry! I still have A LOT planned!)

Henry POV
I sighed as I sat down on the couch. I was trying to think on what to do with, Sammy. His time is almost up, it's been 2 months...he has been getting weaker by the days. He is so weak to the point he can't walk, stand, barely eat or drink. Norman has to feed him like a baby. I had to go to the store to get him bottles for fluids.

I groaned and placed my heads on both sides of my head. I stood up and walked over to a wall, punching it with all my might. Of course my fist was bleeding. Inky walked up to me and sighed. They placed a hand on my shoulder and whimpered. "You okay, hen?" They asked. I shook my head and fell to my knees. "I can't take this no more! This is all my fault! What if my blue ink doesn't work on him!? What if...what if...what would Norman do without him?" I asked, tears streaming down my face. Inky sighed. "Norman and Sammy have been apart for a long time before...worse case...if your ink doesn't work on him...I will bring him back to the studio and infect him with the ink again...then you could try and use your gold ink on him again. But I don't see that happening...he will be fine...we will find a way! We always do!" Inky said, patting my back.

I smiled and hugged the demon. "Thank you, Inky..." I mumbled. They purred and hugged me back. "Of course, Darling~"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now